Dmi tool form This form defines the structure of tool definition forms. It is part of the DmiToolTWikiApplication. How to make and edit forms: TWiki.TWikiForms ...
Digital Methods Initiative Tool Archive This is an archive of tools developed by the DMI affiliates in the past years. Note that not all tools are still availab...
Scrape Github to find the usernames contributing source code to a repository, and the ammount of contributions they have made.The scraper identifies the 500 most ...
Scrape Github for user to user interactions, or user to repository relations. The tool take a list of Github usernames as input. It expects a single username on e...
This tool queries, retrieves all available results and outputs a csv file, as well as a gexf file containing the relations betw...
Dmi Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the Dmi web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in . and , and can b...
* Project (also available on this link) * Posters * Video YouTube ’s recommendation system challenge Analyzing the content of YouTube ’s recommendation al...