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Dorling Map Generator

Input tags and values to produce a Dorling Map (i.e. bubbles). Output is an svg.

%IFDEFINEDTHEN{"1" glue="off"}%


To create a Dorling map:
  • Login with your Issue Crawler username.
  • Input tags (or phrases) and their values to produce a Dorling Map (i.e. bubble graphs).
  • The output is an svg file.


Example: Wikipedia Bots project. This dorling map shows the shares of human edits, bot edits and tools-assisted human edits in the top twenty English language Wikipedia articles.

If you want a double Dorling map (i.e. opening two Dorling maps side by side):
  • create the two Dorling maps
  • write down the ID of the Dorling map you want on the right-hand side.
  • Open the map you want on the left-hand side
  • Add &map2=## to the url, where ## is the ID number, and press enter.
  • The output is an svg file.


Example: Climate Change Skeptics project. Comparing Climate change science disciplines to climate change skeptics' disciplines.


%IFDEFINEDTHEN{"1" glue="off"}%

Sample project

A bubble graph is a powerful visualization tool, and could be an alternative to a tag cloud.

In the sample project E-Culture Mapped and Clouded, the Dorling tool was used to map the Google search results for the query e-cultuur, as well as for the query eCultuur. The results indicate that e-culture is now a recognized 'e-word', according to Google results.



Topic revision: r4 - 12 Dec 2008, issuecrawler14
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