YouTube Video Discovery

Analyzes a results file from the Google Scraper to discover, count, and rank YouTube and Google Video links in the descriptions. (It may also be used for Ikbis and other video compilation sites.)

%IFDEFINEDTHEN{"1" glue="off"}%


Obtain a result by querying a set of sites for, or other generic, video deep link URLs that are specific to the sharing site.


%IFDEFINEDTHEN{"1" glue="off"}%

Sample project

Hamas and Fatah Referenced Videos Compared. Of the top 100 videos referenced by Hamas and Fatah related sites, 16 are referenced by both groupings. The majority of these videos contains violent and/or politically charged content. The overall narrative style is symbolic or moralistic (symbolic real life stories). [ pdf]

Hamas and Hizbullah Referenced Videos Compared. Of the top 100 videos referenced by Hamas and Fatah related sites, 17 are referenced by both groupings. The majority of these videos contains violent and/or politically charged content. The overall narrative style is symbolic or moralistic (symbolic real life stories). [ pdf]

Please also see the Palestinian Web mapping project.


Topic revision: r9 - 18 Jun 2013, ErikBorra
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