Twitter Capture and Analysis Toolset (DMI-TCAT)

Captures tweets and allows for multiple analyses (hashtags, mentions, users, search, ...)


DMI-TCAT provides robust and reproducible data capture and analysis, and interlinks with existing analytical software. Analytical features are based on two main ideas:
  • captured datasets can be refined in different ways (search queries, exclusions, date range, etc.) and
  • the resulting selections of tweets can be analyzed in various ways, mainly by outputting files in standard formats (CSV for tabular files and GEXF for network files)

Due to Twitter’s Terms of Service we can unfortunately only provide access to DMI-TCAT’s web interface to MA students and researchers affiliated to UvA 's mediastudies department. However, we have released the source code on so that you can install and run it yourself. The following paper explains the rationale behind the tool and introduces some of the analytical possibilities:

When producing academic output with DMI-TCAT, please reference E. Borra and B. Rieder (2014)

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Topic revision: r4 - 12 Jun 2014, ErikBorra
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