Scrapes Wikipedia history and does IP to Geo for anonymous edits
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*Note: this version of the tool has been deprecated and may not be functional. University of Amsterdam students and staff can access the latest version of the tool at*
The tool scrapes the complete edit history for a specific Wikipedia page. When the tool finds an IP address instead of a user name it will use Maxmind's GeoCity Lite database to resolve the IP address to a geo-location. This tool is inspired on
Input: a wikipedia page (e.g.
Output: a table with the following columns:
URL pointing to the specific version of the page
the time of the edit
the date of the edit
a link to the page of the user who edited
the user name or IP address
the size of the edit
the comment accompanying the edit
bot/using (when a bot or tool assisted user - detected by the phrase 'using ', is encountered)
city (when an IP address was detected instead of a user)
country (when an IP address was detected instead of a user)
country code (when an IP address was detected instead of a user)
latitude (when an IP address was detected instead of a user)
longitude (when an IP address was detected instead of a user)
Note: if very little results are returned while you expect more, make sure that the URL you have inputted does not actually redirect to a different Wikipedia page.