Instagram Scraper

Retrieves Instagram images for hashtags, locations, or user names.

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This tool interfaces with the API of Instagram to retrieve overviews of posts for a given set of usernames or hashtags. Unlike some of the other DMI tools, this tool is a stand-alone application you can download and run from your own PC or laptop.

The tool produces an overview of all matching posts as a CSV file and can optionally also download the relevant photo/video files as well JSON metada files. For further analysis (e.g. co-tag networks) you can upload the CSV file to 4CAT.

A worksheet with more background information and step-by-step guides is available.


The tool only scrapes posts. Stories, pinned stories or IGTV content are not included in the scrape.


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Sample project

Warning: Can't find topic Dmi.ToolInstagramScraperSampleProject


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Topic revision: r3 - 07 Jul 2015, ErikBorra
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