Issue Dramaturg

Enter up to 3 URLs as well as a key word. The Issuedramaturg queries Google for the key word, and shows the Pageranks of the URLs over time. The output is a graph of the Pagerank of the URLs per query.


Information retrieval is normally not considered dramatic. On the Web, however, information sources are in constant competition with each other to be returned in the top ten for any given query. has developed a tool for the next phase in the research into the continuing drama of changing engine placement, showing for the first time a site's pagerank - per query. The output of the Issuedramaturg, a Google Actor-Issue PageRank Profiling tool, compares sites' engine ranking for the same issue, showing in refreshing, hyperlink economy-style graphs the lifts and the sags.

To create your own Issuedramaturg query over time, you require a special account for the Issuescraper.

  • Log in to the <a target=

Sample project

The Issuedramaturg captured the apparent removal of from Google results for the query

Topic revision: r7 - 19 Dec 2008, RichardRogers
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