Input tags and values to produce relatively sized bubbles. Output is an svg.
%IFDEFINEDTHEN{"1" glue="off"}%
Insert a tag cloud in the following format: sustainability (4) hummer (2) oil (17). For clouding purposes, multiple-word terms should be fused: peakoil or peak_oil. They may be edited later in a graphics program, such as Adobe Illustrator.
When no options are selected the output will be a line of white circles with the tags and values in the circle (one line of circles for each line of tags inputted). When 'scale' is selected the circles are scaled relative to the minimum and maximum values of all tags inputted. When 'colour' is selected the circles are colored from white to red, relative to the minimum and maximum values of all tags inputted, to indicate heatedness.
To have multiple lines in the output, enter another tag cloud in the same format but leave a blank line in the input form.