Alternative Commentaries on the 2020 US Presidential Election A Netnographic Approach to Audience Participation Team Members Daniel Jurg, Dieuwertje Luitse, Sask...
Bias in Twitter's Search API and Stream API during Hong Kong Protests, October 13th and 14th, 2014 Team Members Giovanna Salazar (10848223) Agnieszka Walewinder ...
Call for participants: Digital Methods Summer School 2011 closed! Media Studies, University of Amsterdam, 27 June 8 July 2011 After Cyberspace: Data rich Medi...
Climate Change and Conflict: Mapping Climate Refugees, Water Wars and Other Future Risk Scenarios Digital Methods Fall Data Sprint #x2028;21 25 October 2013 #x202...
DMI Data Sprints * EMAPS, 24 28 March 2014, Coping with Vulnerability to Climate Change: Adaptation, its Limits and Post Adaptation Mechanisms * Contropedia...
The Digital Methods Initiative About Us The Digital Methods Initiative (DMI) is one of Europe's leading Internet Studies research groups. Comprised of new media...
DMI Winter School 2015 Please edit your projects here. You can copy the structure from our Project template into a new wiki page. If you do not have a wiki accoun...
Digital Methods Winter School 2015 Talks Slides / Videos Richard Rogers, New Media Monitoring and Digital Methods, 12 January 2015 (slides)Stuart Shulman, Sifti...
API Ecology Team Members Bernhard Rieder Introduction The concept of the mashup implies the combination of different data sources or functions. Practically, thi...
Interface for the (Public) Graph Team Members Nadia Dresscher Lambertus, Catalina Iorga, Richard Rogers Introduction The project's aim is to discover and docum...
Track the Trackers Team Members Yngvil Beyer, Erik Borra, Carolin Gerlitz, Anne Helmond, Koen Martens, Simeona Petkova, JC Plantin, Bernhard Rieder, Lonneke van ...
Instagram Diary Keeping: Between Introspection and Self Disclosure Team Members Marije Peute, John Boy, Justus Uitermark, Richard Rogers, Ruben Hazenbos, Sam Gou...
LLMs and the generation of "moderate speech" Team Members Emillie de Keulenaar, Yuhe Ma, Etienne Grenier, Angeles Briones and Ivan Kisjes Special thanks to João...
Mapping the Data Revolution Link to live notes on Google Docs: Team Members Jonathan Gray, Director of Policy and Research, O...
Mapping OSINT Images on Twitter Tracing imagery through war and timeMapping OSINT Landscapes sub project Team Members Daria Delavar KasmaiStåle GrutAnnabelle KuJ...
National Tracking Ecologies Members Anne Helmond, Carolin Gerlitz, Esther Weltevrede, Gabriele Colombo, Astrid Maria Bigoni, Bev Skeggs, Marc Stumpel, Marta Seve...
The People's Dashboard The peoples dashboard is intended to be a critical layer on top of six different social media platforms: YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, LastF...
Main.MelisBas 09 Feb 2020 Participants Freja Kir, Guilherme Appolinario, Andrea Benedetti, Marc Tuters, Pihla Toivanen, Melis Bas Current content overview: * 1...
The silent revolution of fraternity. Using digital methods to study togetherness. Team members David Hielkema, Nina Eshuis, Nina Rijnierse, Charlotte Nijhuis, Ra...
Digital Methods WorkshopRight wing populism in Europe: An issue mapping and media profiling University of AmsterdamMedia StudiesTurfdraagsterpad 9, Room 0.1224 28...
Internet Research Agency (IRA) An exploration of narratives and strategies of the Russian disinformation campaign on Twitter Team Members Dilara Asardag, Felix F...
Chinese Douyin Sentiment about the War in Ukraine Engagement surrounding 'culture war' narratives Team Members Kefeng Cao, Jinru Dong, Xinzi Xu, Xinwen Xu, Richa...
The relationship between (hyper)partisan content and attention fatigue concerning the war in Ukraine on Facebook Team Members Matteo Bettini, Sam Bouman, Malin H...
Digital Methods Summer School 2011 Media Studies, University of Amsterdam, 27 June 8 July 2011 After Cyberspace: Data rich Media The Digital Methods Summer Scho...
Welcome to the Digital Methods Summer School 2012 New Media Digital Culture, University of Amsterdam, 25 June 6 July 2012Reality Mining Project pages Full det...
Digital Methods Summer School 2014 On Geolocation: Remote Event Analysis (Mapping Conflicts, Disasters, Elections and other Events with Online and Social Media D...
Digital Methods Summer School 2015 Post Snowden Media Empiricism and Secondary Social Media: Data Studies Beyond Facebook and Twitter Digital Methods Summer Sch...
Digital Methods Summer School 2016 Only Connect? A Critical Appraisal of Connecting Practices in the Age of Social Media 27 June 8 July 2016 Opening day locatio...
Get the Picture. Digital Methods for Visual Research Digital Methods Summer School 2017 How States Became Protagonists in the US Election Night Drama, Digital M...
Retraining the machine: Addressing algorithmic bias Digital Methods Summer School 2018 Digital Methods Summer School 2–13 July 2018 Everyday location Digital...
Syrian hashtags and their visual language as reactions to events a comparison between the English and Arab language spaces on Twitter (with a short trip to Face...
Digital Methods Summer School 2019 "Trolls, bots and dictators" On the current state of social media research 1 12 July 2019 Everyday location:New Media Dig...
Digital Methods Summer School 2020 Social media manipulation: from artificial amplification and inauthentic behaviour to deplatforming and counter speech 29 Jun...
Digital Methods Summer School 2021 Fake everything: Social media's struggles with inauthentic activities Project write ups Please make a project page wiki, and ...
Conspiratorial Hermeneutics via Words Images Facilitators: Tommy Shane, Marc Tuters, Tom Willaert General Introduction While conspiracy theories have long been...
Vision methodologies: New visual analysis online Digital Methods Summer School and Data Sprint 2022 Digital Methods Summer School and Data Sprint 2022 4 15 July 2...
Prompting and other algorithmic curiosities Digital Methods Summer School and Data Sprint 2023 Digital Methods Summer School and Data Sprint 2023 3 14 July 2023ht...
The Disinformation Laundormat Team Members Alicia Bargar, Peter Benzoni, Gaurika K. Chaturvedi, Helena Schwertheim, Bret Schafer Contents 1. Introduction A consi...
The Art in Artificial: AI as Co Creation Storytelling Device Team Members Tamara Witschge, Carlo De Gaetano, Jeroen de Vos, Sabine Niederer, Andrea Benedetti, A...
Visual methods for digital research Digital Methods Summer School and Data Sprint 2024 Digital Methods Summer School and Data Sprint 2024 1 12 July 2024https://wi...
Digital Methods Summer School 2025 Social media at a crossroads, and the sensitivity of AI platforms 30 June 11 July 2025 New Media Digital CultureUniversit...
How (long) do we #standwithukraine? Team Members Marloes Geboers, Elena Pilipets, Francesca Gheli, Andrea Benedetti, Yuru Li, Christa Sathish, Krisztina Lajosi...
Taking Stock: Can News Images Be Generic? This project is part of the ongoing research program “Taking Stock: Why Generic Images Matter” and is both complementary...
The Third Party Diary Dutch summary available. Lonneke van der Velden, August September 2012 Introduction In August 2012 the Government of the Netherlands (de ...
The Third Party Diary Lonneke van der Velden, augustus oktober 2012 Introductie De 'Third Party Diary' is een verkenning naar de bedrijvigheid van derden achter...
Main.MaudPof 27 Nov 2021 Poster Video Main.LéaMartinez 06 Feb 2023 Tracing trust in a truth less world? Comparing three scientific controversies on TikTok an...
Tracking Global Energy Narratives Team Members Max Kortlander, Roberto Pizzato, Miles Zornig. Introduction For the past two decades, there has been an ongoing d...
Mapping Regimes of Data Access: inquiring practical and epistemological implications of Twitter and YouTube API access modalities Team Members Erik Borra (facilit...
Wikipedia Controversy Indicator The Wikipedia Controversy indicator is a tool that shows which Wikipedia templates are associated with articles. Wikipedia templat...
Searching the Archives Digital Methods Initiative Winterschool, 22 25 January 2013 Team Members Anat Ben David, Anne Helmond, Hugo Huurdeman, David Moats, Natal...
Revealing Dutch Jihad Networks on Facebook Team Members Sander van Haren Mitch van Helvert Michael Kerssens May Sundvall Andersen Serkan Y #x131;ld #x131;zeli Sp...
Facebook pages in Europe: a tool for the Jihad in Syria Team Members Researchers: Rebecca Cachia, Susan Clandillon, Inte Gloerich, Cristel Kolopaking, Indre Lau...
Psychogeographies of Amsterdam East Documentation for the 2014 Digital Methods Winter School, Data Sprint and Mini Conference "My Sentiments Exactly: On Methods o...
DMI mini conference workshop, 20 22 January 2010 New Media Digital Culture, Media Studies, University of Amsterdam, Turfdraagsterpad 9, 1012 XT Amsterdam, the...
Cfp: DMI mini conference workshop, 24 25 January 2011 New Media Digital Culture, Media Studies, University of Amsterdam, Turfdraagsterpad 9, 1012 XT Amsterdam...
Interfaces for the Cloud: Curating the Data Digital Methods Winter School (mini conference and workshop) 25 27 January 2012 Media Studies Turfdraagsterpad 9 Uni...
archived announcement Data Sprint: The New Logistics of Short form Method Digital Methods Winter School 2013 and Mini Conference 22 25 January 2013 Digital Me...
Digital Methods Winter School 2013SCHEDULETuesday 22 January 2013: MINI CONFERENCELocation:University of AmsterdamOudemanhuispoort 4 6,1012 CN AmsterdamRooms A0.0...
My Sentiments Exactly: On Methods of Early Warning, Detection and Monitoring through Online and Social Media 2014 Digital Methods Winter School, Data Sprint and ...
SHOW ME YOUR DASHBOARD New Media Monitoring and Data Analytics as Critical Practice Digital Methods Winter School, Data Sprint and Mini Conference 12 16 January...
Otherwise Engaged.Critical Analytics and the New Meanings of Engagement Online Digital Methods Winter School 201611 15 January 2016Opening day location, 11 Januar...
A critical genealogy of the Getty Images Lean In Collection: Researching the feminist politics of stock photography across representation, circulation and reconte...
Digital Methods for Number Critique Team Members Carolin Gerlitz, Anne Helmond, Fernando van der Vlist, Esther Weltevrede, Maria Carmela Catone, Jan Alyne Barbos...
Engagement with Tragedy on Social Media The Visual Language of Instagram and Twitter Two Case Studies Charlie Hebdo, Jan 13 Migrants What would have become ...
Mapping the Publics of Public Finance Team Members: Jonathan Gray, Anna Alberts, Cecile Le Guen, Eileen Wagner, Danny Lämmerhirt, Lucie Sedmihradská, Sergej Lugov...
Dutch Refugee Crisis on Twitter Issue Analysis and Over Time Animation Team Members Project Proposal by: * Arnout Ponsioen * Gijs Van Beek Facilitators: ...
Projects of the 2016 Winter school * 1. Mapping the Publics of Public Finance * 2a. Why do people walk on Cultural Routes? * 2b. Twitter as a city's atte...
Data Infrastructures: Database Stories, Dumps and Query Driven Narratives Digital Methods Winter School 20179 13 January 2017 Everyday winter school location Dig...
The path from conspiracy theories to Trump support: a YouTube study This project is one part of the larger Winter School 2017 study Beyond the bubble? Exploring t...
Angry Tweets and Emotional Hashtags Twitter use during the US presidential campagin and the aftermath This project is one part of the larger Winter School 2017 st...
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words A Visual Analysis of the Liberal and Conservative Filter Bubble This project is one part of the larger Winter School 2017 stud...
Inside the Trump and Clinton filter bubbles Bottom up filter bubble mapping based on Trump and Clinton supporters' tweets This project is one part of the larger W...
Common Ground Page like network on Facebook This project is one part of the larger Winter School 2017 study Beyond the bubble? Exploring the 2016 US election echo...
Trump and the Manosphere The discourse aspects that ties Donald Trump to the manosphere. Team Members Susan Whitbread Kat Milligan Lina Kucinskaite Floor Bouma D...
The Social Lives of Digital Methods: Encounters, Experiments, Interventions Digital Methods Winter School, Data Sprint and Mini Conference 2018 Digital Methods...
Mapping Data Intensive App Infrastructures Team Members Anne Helmond, Fernando van der Vlist, Esther Weltevrede, Lonneke van der Velden, Michael Dieter, Nate Tka...
Mind the gap Mapping the politics of the skills gap in higher education Team Members * Dr. Melody Viczko, Western University of Canada * Shannon McKechnie,...
Team members Amber de Zeeuw Anne Wijn Carlo de Gaetano Chuyun Zhang Claudia Pazzaglia Enedina Ortega Gutierrez Felix Navarrete Frederike Lichtenstei...
Post truth Empiricism: On the new epistemologies and research affordances of social media Digital Methods Winter School and Data Sprint 2019 Digital Methods Wi...
Facebook Algorithm Exposed Or, how to keep your bot alive Team Members Giovanni Rossetti, Bilel Benbouzid, Davide Beraldo, Giulia Corona, Leonardo Sanna, Iain Em...
Russia, Twitter Authenticity: Establishing Credibility Metrics Internet Research Agency: An exploration of narratives and strategies Iran’s Disinformation Campa...
Internet Research Agency (IRA) An exploration of narratives and strategies of the Russian disinformation campaign on Twitter Team Members Dilara Asardag, Felix F...
Iran's Disinformation Campaign Developing Detection Metrics for Sophistication Team Members Alessio Sciascia, Cassidy Jewell, Joris van Breugel, Ouejdane Sabbah,...
The European Refugee Crisis in the Dutch Media Sphere Team Members Andrea Benedetti, Silvia Geurts, Judith Harmsen, Monique Hindriks, Anne Jochems, Lieve Keizer,...
Post API Research? On the contemporary study of social media data Digital Methods Winter School and Data Sprint 2020 Digital Methods Winter School and Data Sprint...
Disinformation in anti Eu Facebook groups Team Members in alphabetical order Aïchatou Sow Berit Renser Camille Godineau Céline Chhun Dagmar Götz Esther Khinthaz...
Masculinity, ambiguity and hate speech: Mapping incel subculture on Reddit A sub project within the /ourguy/ project posed by Sal Hagen DMI Winter School 2020 Te...
Exploring neo nationalism through Knowledge Graph Team Members in alphabetical order Sara Abdollahi Agustin Ferrari Braun Jasper van der Heide Cristina Contents...
Gender in App Stores Team Members Team members: Silke Mulder, Timo den Hartog, Sanne Kalf, Alla Rybina Part of the project: 'Apps and Their Practices: A compara...
Who knows your sleeping score? A critical analysis of companion mobile apps (CMAs) of fitness tracking wristbands and their connection to third party software T...
#youmustbekiddin’ (#datmeenjeniet) Countering Online Hate Speech and Discrimination Mapping the Influencers Team Members in alphabetical order Maria do Carm...
YouTube Tracking Exposed: Investigating polarization via YouTube ’s Recommender Systems Team Members Nina Altmaier Davide Beraldo Maria Castaldo Daniel Jurg Salva...
Bias in content recommendation and moderation Digital Methods Winter School and Data Sprint 2021 Digital Methods Winter School and Data Sprint 2021 Project write...
Main.ThaisLobo 03 Feb 2021 COVID 19 Conspiracy Books Ecologies: Mapping Discrepancies Across Amazon, Goodreads and Audible Routes to Problematic Content Team me...
A project by Streams of Conspiratorial Folklore The objective of this project is to investigate online media as a stream of performances, rather than as archive...
FIlterTube: Investigating echo chambers, filter bubbles and polarization on YouTube Team Members Facilitator: Salvatore Romano, Davide Beraldo, Giovanni Rossett...
Infodemic 5G How Interpretative Frames are Co articulated on Social Media? An Instagram versus Parler Case Study A DMI Winter School 2021 project Team Membe...
An exploration of named entities and epistemic keywords in conspiratorial Instagram posts (2011 2020) Facilitator: Tom Willaert Group members: Dania Elahi, Zuzan...
The presence of problematic information and users on political Twitter in the wake of the 2020 U.S. elections Team Members Carlo De Gaetano, Seb Dewhirst, Marlo...
Am I shadow banned? Studying online discussions on a contested form on content moderation Team Members Laura Savolainen, University of Helsinki Mea Lakso, Un...
Data critique and platform dependencies: How to study social media data? Digital Methods Winter School and Data Sprint 2022 Digital Methods Winter School and Data...
“Hey Alex…”: (Re)constructing Parasocial Relationships with Alex Jones Through YouTube Comment Sections Team Members Daniel Jurg Marc Tuters Emily Jane Godwi...
All Inclusive in a Different Country: Super Apps and their Geolocational Dependence Team Members Team members: Alyssa Gehasse, Anna Belotserkovskaya, Iskren Lilo...
Tracing the genealogy and change of TikTok audio memes Team members Lucia Bainotti (facilitator), Sarah Burkhardt, Yan Cong, Jingyi Zhu, Jesper Lust, Kate Babin,...
Mapping Ban and Shadow Ban on TikTok Expose hidden censorship with a cross national research Team Members Facilitators: Salvatore Romano, Marc Faddoul Particip...
What is a meme, technically speaking? Exploring the technicity of memes across different digital environments Team Members Alberto Olivieri, Alexander, Alice No...
What actually happened? The use and misuse of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Digital Methods Winter School and Data Sprint 2023 Digital Methods Winter School a...
Team Members Marije Peute, Marissa Willcox, Richard Rogers, Justus Uitermark, John Boy, Natalia Stanusch, Selcuk Yalcindag, Charlie van der Reijden, Yke van der S...
Cross Vision API Studies. Digital methodologies for understanding computer vision Team Members Janna Joceli Omena, Elias Bitencourt, Jason Chao, Ana Marta Flores...
Main.DenisTeyssou 20 Jan 2023 Mapping the ‘memory loss’ of disinformation in fact checks Current fact check archiving practices and Facebook post removal Team Me...
The media ecology of weight loss on TikTok, Instagram and Telegram A networked media mapping of weight loss Team Members Ryland Shaw, Paula Helm, Susan Zijp, Sim...
Mapping Facebook post truth spaces in Eastern European countries, Sweden and the Netherlands Cross language perspective Team Members Sam Bouman, Jinru Dong, Mali...
The World According to TikTok Team Members Facilitators: Salvatore Romano (Tracking Exposed), Miazia Schueler (Tracking Exposed, University of Amsterdam), Nata...
Digital investigation with AI Digital Methods Winter School and Data Sprint 2024 Digital Methods Winter School and Data Sprint 2024 8 12 January 2024https://wiki....
Mapping, Tracking, and (Re)Making of the Counter Imaginaries of AI across the Web poster1 websites ; poster2 wikipedia ; poster3 twitter ; poster4 linkedin Team ...
APIcalypse Now: Redefining data access regimes in the face of the Digital Services Act Martin Trans (facilitator, UvA), Davide Beraldo (facilitator, UvA), Luca Dr...
The sad fate of small Facebook audiences: USA Team Members Nora Svensson Hahr Jesper Brinkhof Fem AkcanCong Hung Dinh Contents 1. Introduction Download this r...
Designing Digital Inclusivity: Mapping and Shaping Online Environments for the LGBTQ Community (Data Donation Research) Team Members Daniel JurgLuuk ExWouter N...
Chatbots and LLMs for Internet Research? Digital Methods Winter School and Data Sprint 2025 Digital Methods Winter School and Data Sprint 2025 6 10 January 2025ht...
Track the Trackers Workshop by Anne Helmond Alexei Miagkov (Ghostery) for the Digital Methods Summerschool 2013 by Anne Helmond and Carolin Gerlitz for the Digi...