Rassemblement National usesSensationalizing Generative AI Imagery in its EU Electoral Campaign. Authors: Salvatore Romano, Miazia Schueler, Denis Teyssou, Natacha...
Onderzoeksproject: Ambtenaren in de Openbaarheid Team Anne Laurine Stadermann, Richard Rogers, Erik Borra, Bernhard Rieder en Eelke Hermens Inleiding: Onderzoek...
The Anatomy of (In)direct harassment The Anatomy of (In)direct harassment: temporality, rhetoric and affordances Team Members Eirliani Abdul Rahman, Emillie V. ...
Call for participants: Digital Methods Summer School 2011 closed! Media Studies, University of Amsterdam, 27 June 8 July 2011 After Cyberspace: Data rich Medi...
People Richard Rogers is University Professor and holds the Chair in New Media Digital Culture at the University of Amsterdam. He is Director of Govcom.org, th...
The Dutch Blogosphere Weltevrede, Esther, and Anne Helmond. 2012. Where Do Bloggers Blog? Platform Transitions Within the Historical Dutch Blogosphere. First Mo...
Situating code sharing platforms in the journalism ecology GitHub s resonance in the online data journalism sphere Project: GitHub as a Transparency DeviceProje...
London Social? Tracing Social Discourse in the UK Startup Ecosystem Team Members Jeroen de Vos, Natacha Berbers, Ana Garza Contents Introduction A dynamic econo...
Mapping Mobs Technological affordances, metrics, and digital violence against journalists. Team Members Darja Wischerath, Rosalie Dielesen, Danique Leenstra, ...
The People's Dashboard The peoples dashboard is intended to be a critical layer on top of six different social media platforms: YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, LastF...
Profiling the Google Revolving Door Google and Policy Makers a Big Happy Family Contents Team Members Huda Alsahi, Matteo Azzi, Prem Borle, Valentina Dopona, ...
Scrapester Introduction Social networking or community sites such as Myspace, Facebook and Hyves in the Netherlands have stirred anxiety about the public displa...
Source Distance Exercise Device Critique Politico epistemological consequences 'Manufactured Significance' of Sources in 'Algorithmic Spaces'. This is an old p...
Digital Methods Summer School 2011 Media Studies, University of Amsterdam, 27 June 8 July 2011 After Cyberspace: Data rich Media The Digital Methods Summer Scho...
Digital Methods Summer School 2015 Post Snowden Media Empiricism and Secondary Social Media: Data Studies Beyond Facebook and Twitter Digital Methods Summer Sch...
NATURALNEWS.COM RADICALIZATION THROUGH WELLBEING Team members: Christina Meyenburg ,Dall Christensen, Shefali Bharati, Anna Couturier, Tim Groot, Taylor Geiger, M...
Research Persona as Digital Method Team Members Project lead: Esther Weltevrede, Wendy Chun, Liliana Bounegru, Alexandra Juhasz, Ganaele LangloisParticipants: Ca...
Examining Web Detection Algorithms Team Members Janna Joceli Omena, Eduardo Leite, Ángeles Briones, Scott Rodgers, Simon Ceh, Giulia Tucci, Michael Achmann, Dan...
Main.MaudPof 27 Nov 2021 Poster Video Main.LéaMartinez 06 Feb 2023 Tracing trust in a truth less world? Comparing three scientific controversies on TikTok an...
Team Members Introduction Research Questions Methodology Findings The research concerns itself with civil servant use of social media in the Netherlands, beginnin...
Careers in the Surveillance Industry Project report:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pUMAGjXv RcjLrMjd9mYOA917ih7yv8cBEndCLAi2Ac/edit?ts=56d5bb6b pref=2 pli=1#...
Trackers and Widgets on Slate.com (2008 – 2015) Team Members Nicolás López Coombs, Utrecht UniversitySophie de Groot, Utrecht University Introduction As a subse...
Data Infrastructures: Database Stories, Dumps and Query Driven Narratives Digital Methods Winter School 20179 13 January 2017 Everyday winter school location Dig...
Part II: Diversity Part of Apps and Their Stories: Volatility, Diversity, Policy Team Members Participants: Evelien Christiaanse, Jason Park, Oana Patrichi, Vane...
Masculinity, ambiguity and hate speech: Mapping incel subculture on Reddit A sub project within the /ourguy/ project posed by Sal Hagen DMI Winter School 2020 Te...
The presence of problematic information and users on political Twitter in the wake of the 2020 U.S. elections Team Members Carlo De Gaetano, Seb Dewhirst, Marlo...
What is a meme, technically speaking? Exploring the technicity of memes across different digital environments Team Members Alberto Olivieri, Alexander, Alice No...
Mapping, Tracking, and (Re)Making of the Counter Imaginaries of AI across the Web poster1 websites ; poster2 wikipedia ; poster3 twitter ; poster4 linkedin Team ...
The sad fate of small Facebook audiences: Mexico Team Members Meg Kitamura Natalia Alvarez Milan Contents 1. Introduction Parts of this report are redacted fo...
It's Giving AI: exploring and investigating generative AI aesthetics Team Members Facilitators: Houda Lamqaddam, Gabriel Pereira, Kwan Suppaiboonsuk Participan...
Designing Digital Inclusivity: Mapping and Shaping Online Environments for the LGBTQ Community (Data Donation Research) Team Members Daniel JurgLuuk ExWouter N...
What are coding skills worth in the age of AI? Team Members Eva Otto · Andrea Nye · Kristijan Tevcev · Iida Palosuo Poster link: https://surfdrive.surf.nl/files/...
Track the Trackers Workshop by Anne Helmond Alexei Miagkov (Ghostery) for the Digital Methods Summerschool 2013 by Anne Helmond and Carolin Gerlitz for the Digi...