Backlinks to IssueCrawler in Dmi Web (Search all webs)

Results from Dmi web retrieved at 12:08 (GMT)

Issuecrawler 1.0 and Social Media DataDrivenUserJournalism RepresentationsOfGovernmentalWebsitesOnSocialMedia StartingPoints2 WebCurrencies Pace Online One day on...
Alternative Algorithms Team Alexander Galloway, Rosa Menkman, Michael Stevenson, Laura van der Vlies, Erik Borra. Design by Marieke van Dijk Description In th...
Anonymous Israeli Wikipedia Edits this is work in progress Introduction How active and in what way are Israeli present on Wikipedia? Given the Israeli IP range...
Anonymous Palestinian Wikipedia Edits this is work in progress Introduction How active and in what way are Palestinians present on Wikipedia? Given the Palesti...
INTERNET COFFEE EXPOSED Who works in coffee trade and do they form network? Manually three lists are composed: Multinationals, Fair trade Labeling Organizatio...
r11 - 16 Oct 2007 - 19:01 by nacho
Comparison between Anonymous Palestinian and Israeli Wikipedia Edits this is work in progress Introduction In preceding research the anonymous edits to the Engli...
Comparison Political Websites Current point of critique on the Dutch political parties CDA en PvdA is that they are too much alike. The voters complain that ...
r13 - 31 Aug 2007 - 14:35 by BramNijhof
Data Driven User Journalism: The Case of the Afghan War Diary Team Members Camilo Cristancho, Catalina Iorga, Matteo Cernison Introduction Research Question Is...
r6 - 13 Sep 2010 - 14:07 by CatalinaIorga
De botting Wikipedia Project members: Anne Helmond and Kim Research questions: What is the bot activity per type within the Global Warming Sphere? How can we visu...
Name Google Google Images Google News Google Blog Search Yahoo Wikipedia Alexa IssueCrawler Twitter Facebook Amazon ...
Team Members Anne Helmond and Carolin Gerlitz Research question How are commentspaces distributed across different platforms? If a website does not allow for com...
The Digital Methods Initiative About Us The Digital Methods Initiative (DMI) is one of Europe's leading Internet Studies research groups. Comprised of new media...
People Richard Rogers is University Professor and holds the Chair in New Media Digital Culture at the University of Amsterdam. He is Director of, th...
r94 - 03 Oct 2024 - 07:56 by FernandoVanDerVlist
Protocols devised by the DMI This page is being replaced gradually by our new research protocols and methods page. Hyperlink Analysis * Perfom an issue craw...
Main.AlexandraHache 06 Jul 2011 FB (h)as a Problem Team Members Alex, Sanjay, Lonneke Slides presentation July 2011 Introduction Research questions Methodolo...
r16 - 06 Jan 2012 - 14:13 by LonnekeVanDerVelden
Facebook and Publicness (Pilot Study) Team Members Catalina Iorga, Maria Aguado, Elisheva Weiss Introduction Methodology / Preliminary Findings To find Faceboo...
r6 - 18 Oct 2011 - 15:37 by CatalinaIorga
Cross spherical content comparison Team Members Anne, Nadia, Theresa, Carolin, Elisheva, Sanjay Research Question 1a. How is an issue being discussed across the...
r10 - 01 Jul 2011 - 14:43 by CarolinGerlitz
DMI Summer School Salon Introduction During the Morning Salon we will discuss three texts from the DMI Summer School reader and an additional text (see e mail). ...
r5 - 08 Jul 2011 - 09:04 by SabineNiederer
Digital Methods Summer School 2011 Schedule Week 1 Monday: June 27, 2011 Pre opening of the Summer School at the inauguration of National Media Studies centre. ...
Spanish Revolution Team Members * Alex, Diana S, Demet, Orsi Research Question Spanish revolution: comparing the mediascape of commercial social media (twitt...
r13 - 01 Jul 2011 - 14:42 by AlexandraHache
Googling 9/11: Following the history of Google results and assessing the impact of algorithm changes Members Antoine Brunel, Camila G. Dantas, René König, Carlo ...
r4 - 04 Jul 2012 - 19:08 by RenKonig
Greenwashing, in_authenticity protest.* Following the dynamics and relations of an ambiguous term on Twitter and the Web *Additional data and figures with a hig...
Digital Methods: Tools and Utilities The various scrapers, crawlers, etc. listed below may be useful for different digital methods. For convenience, the list is l...
DMI Tutorials Playlists of related lectures and tools * Search as Research * Internet Censorship Research * Web Historiographies * Wikipedia as a Cul...
Interface for the (Public) Graph Team Members Nadia Dresscher Lambertus, Catalina Iorga, Richard Rogers Introduction The project's aim is to discover and docum...
r7 - 27 Jan 2012 - 13:36 by CatalinaIorga
Track the Trackers Team Members Yngvil Beyer, Erik Borra, Carolin Gerlitz, Anne Helmond, Koen Martens, Simeona Petkova, JC Plantin, Bernhard Rieder, Lonneke van ...
The Dutch Blogosphere Weltevrede, Esther, and Anne Helmond. 2012. Where Do Bloggers Blog? Platform Transitions Within the Historical Dutch Blogosphere. First Mo...
The Dutch blogosphere Research on the Dutch blogosphere: * Blogocratie: Hoe weblogs burgers weer bij de politiek betrekken. Afstudeerscriptie van Jeroen Steem...
Dutch Politicians Blogosphere Lijst Blogs van Politici 1. linkripper en harvester gebruikt om lijst te maken van de blogs van politici vermeld op http://weblog...
Early blog features Team Members: Anne Helmond, Vera Bekema, Bram Nijhof, Niels Kerssens, Simon Marschall, Elena Tiis, Tjerk Timan. Research question * How do...
r8 - 06 Sep 2009 - 13:31 by SmnMA
Projects By Theme Tools DMI Course FAQ About Digital Objects The Site The Ordering Device The Spheres The Webs Post Demographics Networked C...
Facebook Scraper To get data from, a scraper has been built which currently can be found at: ...
NEW - 03 Jul 2009 - 11:40 by issuecrawler14
Mapping Future Histories of RFID: Workshop Results Recalling RFID On 19 20 October 2007, De Balie hosted a two day event called 'Recalling RFID', a programme by ...
Gay rights in different language Wikipedias go through the pages in different language Wikipedias that have an entry for "Gay Rights" three parts:1. Word count...
r5 - 28 Aug 2009 - 12:23 by bramnijhof
Digital Methods Summer School 2008: Jubilee and Workshop 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 Jubilee Project Pages Studying Software Studying Software P...
#Whomademyclothes Seeking the voices of the workers Team Members Lisa Madlberger, Òscar Coromina, Mylynn Felt, Jeroen de Vos, Emilio Fernández, Laura E. Cañuelas,...
r4 - 14 Jul 2015 - 20:58 by JedeVo
HOWTO IC URL Extractor Description Extracts URLs from an Issuecrawler .xml file Links tool: Dmi.ToolExtractUrls results: on screen Input isscuecrawler xml source...
Localizing Hyves Networks: Sample Study and Tool Proposal Introduction Social networking sites provide large amounts of information about their members and the ...
Issue Animals Research With climate change, animals become endangered. Global warming as well as global cooling threatens the habitat of species, as animals migr...
r38 - 02 Apr 2008 - 19:19 by EstherWeltevrede
Lippmannian Device Lippmannian Device? The Lippmannian device is named after Walter Lippmann, who in his Public Opinion book of 1922, and particularly in his seq...
Literature: Advanced Program Issuecrawler 1.0 and Social Media David Beer (2009). "Power through the algorithm? Participatory web cultures and the technological u...
Masters of Media Blog Some of the DMI team members also blog at Masters of Media. About The Masters of Media (MofM) blog is a collaborative effort by the New Me...
NEW - 16 Oct 2007 - 17:10 by michael
Meeting Summaries July 2 Source Distance Exercise At the first official meeting Richard points out what the Issue Crawler does: linking analysis between URL's,...
Digital Methods Initiative The Digital Methods Initiative is a contribution to doing research into the "natively digital". Consider, for example, the hyperlink, ...
Representations of Governmental Websites on Social Media Team Members Marije Rooze, Burak Dogu Introduction This study is mainly interested in the connection...
r4 - 13 Aug 2010 - 12:26 by BurakDogu
Nofollow / Indexing Issues in the Blogosphere Introduction: Indexing and Ranking Search engine critiques generally focus on either the allocation of pages to be ...
r45 - 12 Dec 2008 - 11:22 by EstherWeltevrede
Open Data Outside the Open Data Bubble Team Members Dr. Christoph Raetzsch (Freie Universität Berlin), Prof. Helen Kennedy (University of Sheffield), Ivar Dussel...
NEW - 19 Jan 2015 - 12:20 by IvarDusseljee
Papers and Publications 2024 * Koronska, K., Rogers, R. (2024). Fact checks versus problematic content in search rankings: SEO effects and the question of G...
Personalized Search Experiment Protocol Purpose Nicholas Negroponte is talking in The Daily Me (1995) about the decline of the shared experience and the decline...
Tagging Spaces: Exploring Popular and Related Tags Introduction Tagging is used by sites to describe and ultimately organize items by theme or key word. Individ...
r7 - 10 Oct 2008 - 08:47 by MichaelStevenson
DMI Projects The following is a list of projects carried out in the context of the Digital Methods Initiative. For a more general introduction, see the FAQ and th...
r28 - 03 Oct 2008 - 16:01 by KoenMartens
* Find high, medium, and low authorative starting points for an issue with the Technorati scraper and Charts of the (Relative) Actor Resonance Per Issue. Use thes...
r2 - 27 Feb 2009 - 15:28 by KoenMartens
1) Enter data set of URLs in the Censorship Explorer proxy tool. Check connection stats for censored URLs.2) Enter data set of URLs into Issue Crawler. Launch Iss...
NEW - 27 Feb 2009 - 16:11 by mvries
Representations of Governmental Websites on Social Media Team Members Marije Rooze, Burak Dogu Introduction This study is mainly interested in the connection...
r6 - 12 Sep 2010 - 20:05 by Marije
The Response of the Source Research question Do the embassies mentioned in the cables acknowledge the issue on their official websites? Do the sources acknowled...
http://ammaasante.web http://bertjongen.web http://blog.selcuk....
RIGHT WING FORMATIONSIN EUROPE AND THEIR COUNTER MEASURES:AN ONLINE MAPPING Compiled by Richard Rogers and the Digital Methods Initiative, Amsterdam Contributors ...
r2 - 10 Jul 2008 - 13:09 by r00s
Platform Resonance Sample Study Question Which platforms resonate most in the news about the Iran elections? A quick sample, comparing Twitter, Youtube and F...
Schedule: Advanced Program Monday, 9 August 2010 9:30 Welcome9:45 Opening talk: How Web 1.0 is the Issuecrawler? (R. Rogers)11:00 Coffee break11:30 Introductions ...
Working with the Google Scraper: an Exercise with Climate Change Skeptics Preparation 1. Download and install Firefox. 2. Install the Digital Methods FirefoxTool...
r2 - 17 Feb 2014 - 07:58 by MichaelStevenson
The Geographical Dispersions of the Somali and Rwandan Diaspora Team Members Week 1: Anna Berbers, Gabriele Colombo, Saskia Kok, Monia Massarini, Irina Papazu, R...
r15 - 30 Sep 2014 - 15:34 by SaskiaKok
Group 1 Team * Erik, Carolien, Marijn Steps * Issue Discovery * query related tags for tag related to global warming * query globa...
Research Question: To what extent are climate change 'skeptics' present in the climate change spaces on the Web? Method: 1 Der...
Starting points Issuecrawler maps from 28 May 2010 23 December 2010 http://alt0169.comhttp://babygrandpa.comhttp://bieslog.vpro.nl
Starting points 2.0 Team members Erik Borra, Martin Feuz, Marc Tuters, Marijn de Vries Hoogerwerff, Simeona Petkova, Esther Weltevrede Introduction Google CEO ...
r8 - 10 Sep 2010 - 13:35 by EstherWeltevrede
Starting points created in 2011 Dutch Bloggies 2009 Long List. Starting points created in 2010 II Starting points provided by Bert Brussen s blogpost (including ...
Digital Methods Summer School 2007: New Objects of Study 2010 2009 2008 2007 How does one do research online? What are the new objects of study, and how do ...
Digital Methods Summer School 2009: Studying the Web with the Web? 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 Device keywords: Twitter, Wikipedia, Google and the Internet A...
Digital Methods Summer School 2010 "Foundations for Online Research with Digital Methods" The Digital Methods Initiative, a collaboration of the New Media Digi...
Exploring the Fabrics of Civic Tech on Digital Media Team Members Kersti Wissenbach (project host), Nicole Pauli, Ingrid Woudwijk, Ángeles Briones, Marcelo Santo...
r5 - 16 Aug 2016 - 07:04 by KerstiWissenbach
Exploring the Fabrics of Civic Tech on Digital Media Team Members Kersti Wissenbach (project host), Nicole Pauli, Ingrid Woudwijk, Ángeles Briones, Marcelo Santo...
r2 - 02 Sep 2016 - 11:26 by KerstiWissenbach
Mapping Transnational Motherhood: The Case of Romanian “Children Left Behind” Team Members Donya Alinejad, Claudia Minchilli Introduction The issue we want to m...
NEW - 12 Jul 2016 - 08:28 by FernandoVanDerVlist
Retraining the machine: Addressing algorithmic bias Digital Methods Summer School 2018 Digital Methods Summer School 2–13 July 2018 Everyday location Digital...
r24 - 09 Jul 2018 - 15:00 by FernandoVanDerVlist
NATURALNEWS.COM RADICALIZATION THROUGH WELLBEING Team members: Christina Meyenburg ,Dall Christensen, Shefali Bharati, Anna Couturier, Tim Groot, Taylor Geiger, M...
NEW - 31 Jul 2018 - 20:41 by NataliaSanchez
Amsterdam New Media Summer Talks: Networked Content Monday, 11 August 2008 1 5pm, at Nina van Leer Zaal, Allard Pierson Museum, Oude Turfmarkt 129 ( Bijzondere Co...
Digital Methods Summer School 2012 Workshops Suggested workshop matches: * DMI Basic Track: 1 A Crawling Scraping Query Design List Building * ANT ...
Find issuetags in the Tagosphere Issue: An issue is a claim that has been formatted in such a way (as a policy document, demonstration, boycott etc) that it circu...
DMI Tools Digital Methods Project Overview FAQ Tag Cloud Introduction The Digital Methods Initiative is a contribution to doing research into the "nati...
Koen * add to dns pointing to * pluk dorling uit issuescraper, geef input optie zoals tag cloud, geef mogelijkheid ...
Main.KoenMartens 05 Dec 2008
Main.KoenMartens 05 Dec 2008
1. Choose Issuecrawler networks for comparison, or a regularly scheduled crawl. 2. Locate desired Issuecrawler xml files by right clicking 'xml source file' on th...
NEW - 19 Dec 2008 - 10:43 by MichaelStevenson
From our friends at the Medialab, Sciences Po, Paris: Web mapping based on the combination of three Open source tools: Navicrawler, Issuecrawler and Gephi.
To create a Dorling map: * Login with your Issue Crawler username. * Input tags (or phrases) and their values to produce a Dorling Map (i.e. bubble graphs)....
Main.KoenMartens 05 Dec 2008
r4 - 14 Mar 2014 - 16:05 by adamzheng1991
Main.KoenMartens 05 Dec 2008
The Extract URLs module is built into the Issuecrawler, on the network details page. By clicking 'starting points and network URLs', the seed URLs as well as the ...
FAQs FTW Issue Crawler FAQ Google Scraper FAQ
Main.KoenMartens 05 Dec 2008
r4 - 14 Mar 2014 - 16:07 by adamzheng1991
Main.KoenMartens 05 Dec 2008
Project: Extract URLs from the Daily Kos blogroll * Go to * View page source (in Firefox, choose View Page Source or press ctrl u) * In the ...
r2 - 19 Dec 2008 - 13:48 by issuecrawler14
Main.KoenMartens 05 Dec 2008
Issue Crawler Instructions of Use,
Mapping the Global Human Rights Network
Main.KoenMartens 05 Dec 2008
For each document whether it be a page from an Issue Crawler network or text submitted by the user the Issue Discovery Tool does the following: 1 Make a ph...
The Issuedramaturg captured the apparent removal of from Google results for the query "9/11" September October 2007: http://issuedramaturg.issuecrawl...
Main.KoenMartens 05 Dec 2008
r5 - 15 Mar 2011 - 10:30 by KoenMartens
Use the Issuegeographer to show on a geographical map where organizations in an issue network are based. The Issuegeographer takes Issuecrawler results, scrapes a...
The A2K, or access to knowledge, movement comprises an array of civil society organizations and academics, and is concerned with easing the means by which knowled...
Main.KoenMartens 05 Dec 2008
Enter the URL of an Issuecrawler xml file. The xml source file URL looks like this: The xml source file URL is lo...
Main.KoenMartens 05 Dec 2008
The Open Calais Tool performs a textual analysis of a given text, website or set of websites. Input an Issuecrawler xml file, text or URLs to output a ranked tabl...
NEW - 19 Dec 2008 - 14:58 by MichaelStevenson
Main.KoenMartens 05 Dec 2008
The xml source file URL looks like this: xml source file URL is located below your crawl result, on the networ...
r3 - 11 Feb 2011 - 16:46 by KoenMartens
This ranking mechanism is a loglikelihood algorithm which compares the key words in the first box to those in the second. This mechamism is also used in the Issue...
Enter a list of URLs. The input box works the same as the Issuecrawler harvester: dump text and the URLs are fetched out. Note only http:// and www. URLs are reco...
Research Aim Tracing and mapping early blogospheres and the emergence of the blogroll.Developing and testing a new tool an archive crawler to research the Inter...
Distribution of Activism on Facebook Introduction 'Facebook activism' is often said to be a form of 'slacktivsm'. Critics of activist efforts on Facebook argue t...
r20 - 20 Jan 2011 - 14:14 by LonnekeVanDerVelden
Why Food Traceability? The adoption and definition of emerging technology by actors in the food security and green blogs networks. Introduction Ethical criticism...
r5 - 09 Jul 2010 - 13:04 by MichaelStevenson
A Protest's Web: The Cross Syndication Practices of G20 Toronto Summit Online Protest Platforms Team Members Anne Helmond, Catalina Iorga, Alejandro Ortega. In...
Absence and Presence in Actor Language: Dealing with Women's Rights Issues Online A Saudi Arabian Case Study Team Members Chiara, Brittney, Magda, Hinna, and Ale...
r40 - 09 Jul 2010 - 14:43 by MagdaOlszanowski
Project Name Synthetic Biology a Transatlantic Comparison of Future Visions Introduction It's Alive! , Let there be life! Such was the wording of many newsp...
r9 - 01 Mar 2011 - 22:49 by RicardoAmaral
* * * * (site which contains all universities and more) ...
WeScrape Introduction Several different applications have been developed to be able to extract and use data from the web. They are often refered to as Mashup's....
webantennE eParticipation and webantennE Conventional eParticipation initiatives involve "the use of information and communication technologies to broaden and d...
Web Currencies 2 Followup on Web Currencies. Paper citation: Gerlitz, Carolin, and Anne Helmond. 2013. “The Like Economy: Social Buttons and the Data Intensive We...
Statistics for Dmi Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: ...
Project: Where are We? Finding what kind of space online exists for women electronic music composers Team Members Magda Olszanowski and her laptop Literature Rol...
r5 - 27 Aug 2010 - 14:47 by MagdaOlszanowski
Wiki structure ideas This page is dedicated to great structural ideas and wishes for this wiki and is targeted at contributors to this wiki. To discuss * Lang...
r9 - 31 Aug 2007 - 07:56 by MichaelStevenson
Mapping the Publics of Public Finance Team Members: Jonathan Gray, Anna Alberts, Cecile Le Guen, Eileen Wagner, Danny Lämmerhirt, Lucie Sedmihradská, Sergej Lugov...
NEW - 04 Mar 2016 - 10:30 by DannyLämmerhirt
Number of topics: 124
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