The Response of the Source

Research question

Do the embassies mentioned in the cables acknowledge the issue on their official websites? Do the sources acknowledge cablegate?


  1. Get all links for US embassy websites: using the LinkRipper
  2. Compile list of embassies mentioned in cables:
  3. Compare US embassy sites list with embassies mentioned in cables list. Keep URLs of embassies mentioned in the cables.
  4. Query mentioned embassies for:
    1. wikileaks,
    2. "Julian Assange"
    3. Assange
    4. cablegate using the Googlescraper (Lippmannian Device)
  5. Get number of cables per embassy through the LeakFeed API and retrieve in dynamically updated spreadsheet.
  6. Visualize output for top 10 leaked embassies



Result files
Topic revision: r3 - 20 Jun 2011, AnneHelmond
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