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50 recent changes in Dmi Web retrieved at 06:18 (GMT)

1) Derive issue related sites known to be blocked in a country. 2) Query list of sites for a controversial subject matter or name in Google Scraper. Retain teaser...
NEW - 27 Feb 2009 - 16:13 by mvries
1) Enter data set of URLs in the Censorship Explorer proxy tool. Check connection stats for censored URLs.2) Enter data set of URLs into Issue Crawler. Launch Iss...
NEW - 27 Feb 2009 - 16:11 by mvries
Name APIs Crawling Detection Issue Discovery Ripping Scraping Sniffing Main.KoenMartens 27 Feb 2009
r2 - 27 Feb 2009 - 15:47 by KoenMartens
Amsterdam New Media Summer Talks: Networked Content Monday, 11 August 2008 1 5pm, at Nina van Leer Zaal, Allard Pierson Museum, Oude Turfmarkt 129 ( Bijzondere Co...
* Find high, medium, and low authorative starting points for an issue with the Technorati scraper and Charts of the (Relative) Actor Resonance Per Issue. Use thes...
r2 - 27 Feb 2009 - 15:28 by KoenMartens
Tool toevoegen Tool pagina naam (een wikiword, bv. ProtocolBlogAnalysis), altijd beginnen met Protocol!: Main.KoenMartens 27 Feb 2009
NEW - 27 Feb 2009 - 15:19 by KoenMartens
Information retrieval is normally not considered dramatic. On the Web, however, information sources are in constant competition with each other to be returned in ...
Dmi tool form This form defines the structure of tool definition forms. It is part of the DmiToolTWikiApplication. How to make and edit forms: TWiki.TWikiForms ...
r3 - 27 Feb 2009 - 15:03 by KoenMartens
Name Cluster Map Bubble Lines Dorling Geographical Image Cloud Tag Cloud Time Based/Longitudinal Tree Map Main.KoenMartens 27...
NEW - 27 Feb 2009 - 13:48 by KoenMartens
Input * Textarea Here you can input the xml files to be compared. Each line may only contain one url to the xml file of a network. This url can be found by right...
The Google Blog Search Scraper queries Google Blog Search and makes the results available for further analysis. In the top text box, place blog URLs. In the botto...
r2 - 06 Feb 2009 - 12:59 by MichaelStevenson
Click starting points and network URLs.
The Extract URLs module is built into the Issuecrawler, on the network details page. By clicking 'starting points and network URLs', the seed URLs as well as the ...
Main.KoenMartens 05 Dec 2008
Main.KoenMartens 05 Dec 2008
Obtain a result by querying a set of sites for, or other generic, video deep link URLs that are specific to the sharing site.
Enter a list of URLs. The input box works the same as the Issuecrawler harvester: dump text and the URLs are fetched out. Note only http:// and www. URLs are reco...
Open Set Google Preferences to: 'Number of results: display 100 results per page'. Save preferences. Query for Scroll down to...
Input URLs or text into the harvester and choose depth of search ( In the box you can enter URLs. After clicking submit all uniq...
Main.KoenMartens 05 Dec 2008
Enter articles and/or full Wikipedia URLs in the top box. All those articles will be retrieved and checked for the phrases or words specified in the bottom box.
Input a Wikipedia page. All edits made by bots and tools will be listed.
Enter a URL, and this script will split the text of the html page into sentences.
This ranking mechanism is a loglikelihood algorithm which compares the key words in the first box to those in the second. This mechamism is also used in the Issue...
This script fetches related links from Alexa for a url or a set of urls. Alexa related urls are 'what people also visit when visiting a particular site' and in es...
Prepare image analysis of Green Home Blogs. Input URLs (e.g. to output images and source URLs:
Main.MichaelStevenson 19 Dec 2008
NEW - 19 Dec 2008 - 16:21 by MichaelStevenson
Main.KoenMartens 05 Dec 2008
r2 - 19 Dec 2008 - 16:16 by EstherWeltevrede
This tool creates a tree map visualization. Input is a piece of text or a scrapeGoogle result file.
NEW - 19 Dec 2008 - 15:47 by issuecrawler14
Obama Victory Speech Cloud * Copy Barack Obama's election 2008 victory speech transcript * Paste it into the text box * Data care: delete irrelevant word...
NEW - 19 Dec 2008 - 15:28 by issuecrawler14
Main.KoenMartens 05 Dec 2008
r4 - 19 Dec 2008 - 15:17 by EstherWeltevrede
The Open Calais Tool performs a textual analysis of a given text, website or set of websites. Input an Issuecrawler xml file, text or URLs to output a ranked tabl...
NEW - 19 Dec 2008 - 14:58 by MichaelStevenson
This tool counts how many times a query or phrase is found in a scrapeGoogle result file. * Input a scrapeGoogle result file. * Output is a table showing th...
This script queries for each keyword given. In the big text box you can put some text where the urls will be harvested from. For each url in thi...
Main.KoenMartens 05 Dec 2008
Project: Extract URLs from the Daily Kos blogroll * Go to * View page source (in Firefox, choose View Page Source or press ctrl u) * In the ...
r2 - 19 Dec 2008 - 13:48 by issuecrawler14
The Delicious Tags Scraper can be used in various ways, each following from the fact that delicious provides in a single space varying accounts of a website or UR...
NEW - 19 Dec 2008 - 13:17 by MichaelStevenson
1. Choose Issuecrawler networks for comparison, or a regularly scheduled crawl. 2. Locate desired Issuecrawler xml files by right clicking 'xml source file' on th...
NEW - 19 Dec 2008 - 10:43 by MichaelStevenson
For the philosophy behind the project as well as a use case, see the Issuefeed page.
Use the Issuegeographer to show on a geographical map where organizations in an issue network are based. The Issuegeographer takes Issuecrawler results, scrapes a...
Main.KoenMartens 05 Dec 2008
The Issuedramaturg captured the apparent removal of from Google results for the query "9/11" September October 2007: http://issuedramaturg.issuecrawl...
Main.KoenMartens 05 Dec 2008
r4 - 12 Dec 2008 - 14:51 by MichaelStevenson
Main.KoenMartens 05 Dec 2008
r3 - 12 Dec 2008 - 14:13 by MichaelStevenson
Triangulation is a useful tool for simple analysis such as cleaning up duplicate items in a list. The tool can also be used as part of a larger project such as cr...
NEW - 12 Dec 2008 - 12:05 by EstherWeltevrede
Nofollow / Indexing Issues in the Blogosphere Introduction: Indexing and Ranking Search engine critiques generally focus on either the allocation of pages to be ...
r45 - 12 Dec 2008 - 11:22 by EstherWeltevrede
Discover domain hosts associated with the tags "nanotechnology" and "ethics" Use the scraper (you can scrape a combination of tags by putting a space between each...
NEW - 12 Dec 2008 - 11:01 by MichaelStevenson
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Topic revision: r4 - 15 Nov 2006, TWikiContributor
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