Retriever Training: Praktische Introductie Mediaplanning
Assume the role of a media professional and follow step by step the most important challenges and choices that media professionals encounter in the media planning process.Train on how to work with new media the just like new media experts do.
Google doesnt have to be a confusing web of links, ads, and information overload. On the contrary, this course offers an edifying look at the actual best practices behind using Google for expanding your business. The secret behind SEO success is not far-- this seminar will help you gain more exposure without the confusion and headache.
Cross Media Café: Plannen en projecten 000000000
Media employees and employers discuss the where Dutch media is, where it is going and what problems Dutch media face today.
A course on how to use popular online plaforms in business such as LinkedIn (company profile), Facebook marketing, Twitter, Hootsuite, Instagram, Google+, Pinterest, YouTube, blogging etc.
In the current Facebook dominated world, spontaneous reactions in social media are often more significant and powerful than simple answers on a questionnaire. Social Media Research explores the ways and means social media channels bring marketers and business intelligence professionals closer to their customers and target audience.
Workshop iOs app development @ the MonoLab
A crash course in the World of iOS development! In three courses the experienced founders of Monotone Studio, Emmanuel Flores Elias and Casper Schipper will guide and teach you the basics of iOS programming.
#Wetalkweb-event: jouw website geoptimaliseerd!
What leads to a higher reduction in your service and product? In this Weltalkweb edition we present the most recent and important tips and tricks to get as optimized as possible using Google Analytics, SEO and SEA.
Creative Amsterdam - Creativity & Generation Next
The international creative industry is facing a major transformation like never before. With the ever-increasing prominence of digital, social and mobile media, co-creation and user experience are no longer just buzzwords. They are nails in the coffin of an age-old advertising model we once held sacred. Forget ripping up the rule book. The new kids on the block are taking a sledge-hammer to the traditional rules of engagement.
Organized by Ellen Rutten (ASCA) and Marina Mogilner, this workshop contemplates the idea of mediation in the current digitized world. Mediation is a major factor in cultural transmission of all kinds, from literal translation to interpretation; from constructing memories to composing narratives (hegemonic and non-hegemonic alike); from reading social acts and body politics to reading explicit political messages.
This event is about the growth in the use of mobile devices and the possibilities this brings for marketers. It focuses is on the legal aspects of mobile use as well as trends and figures. Organized by the DDMA Commissie Mobile.
Webinar: Contentmarketing op Facebook
Marketing on Facebook can be a challenge. How do you consistently interact with fans while bringing more fans in? What is the best way to market yourself on Facebook? Content marketing on Facebook will show you the path to Facebook enlightenment.
Klant 2.0 heeft het geschreeuw uitgezet
During this webinar, Laura Nuhaan, CMO webpower, shares her vision on the changing roll of social media marketing and its impact on customers and prospective customers. The focus will be on the power of online engagement on a customer to customer basis.
Masterclass Online Marketing & Socia Media
This class will teach you how to use social media in your business including developments, tools, techniques and strategical choices.
One of the main events of the Cloud Computing Community, Amazon Web Services (AWS) Summit. Vice president and chief Technology Officer of Amazon will be doing the keynote. The event will focus on the latest trends when it comes to cloud computing.
BubbleConf aims to inspire you to reach for the stars. It focuses on design, technology, and entrepreneurship and includes a noteworthy lineup ready to lift you off your feet.
During the conference there will be several tracks that you can follow: open government, the effect of open data on organisations, business model creation, open data laws and the use of open data by the government. There will be specific attention paid to urban development in combination with open data and geodata.
Arduino boards are small physical computing platforms, consisting of a simple I/O board and an integrated development environment. They can be used to develop stand-alone interactive objects and can be connected to software on your computer as well. How does the Arduino work, how do you program it, and how can you integrate it into your own projects? This workshop starts with the very rudimentary and ends with a crash course in programming.
Based on the hands-on experience of former games developr and current platform developer, Phil Trelford F# will describe and demonstrate areas where F# gives you leverage i.e. domain modeling, computation and concurrency.
This is one of the main media & contemporary arts festivals in the Netherlands. This high tech multimedia event features over a hundred artists and acts that go beyond your average trip to the art gallery. Think Warhols factory on an urban scale.
Echokamer #8: Atsuhiro Ito Light-sound experiment
Featuring Japanese artist Atsuhiro Ito, known for his use of modified fluorescent tubes as a sound source (the instrument which he christened the Optron), the sound performer will give an hour-long show where he integrates light and sound into one performance. Prior to the show, there will be a dinner offering for 5 . Members pay 3, otherwise entrance is 8 ( 5 for the membership).
#CHANGE - Van social media naar social business
A seminar on how to use combining the latest social media business trends.
* Price: 149
Digital Materialities: tracing the digital
Last academic year, the reading group Discourse Network 2000 looked into and around the work of Friedrich Kittler, focusing on his take on the implications of the digital age. Digital Materialities takes up some of the themes and questions that arose during these sessions.
Meest inspirerende dag van 2013: Prezi Day!
A full day of creativity, design, storytelling, ideas, visual thinking, new ways of presenting, better presentations. Be there! Students only.
* Price: 295 for one, 195 each for two
Cybercrime in het U-meet Cyberlab
Presentations on online safety. Which dangers lurk in QR codes? U-Meet Cyberlab takes you into the world of digital crime. Speakers include Elmer Lastdrager, a lecturer and PhD student in cyber crime science at the UT and Frank van Vliet from Certified Secure, who will interactively present how hackers work.
* Price: Free Entry
Imagine a trip through alleyways, bikes, rooftops, through windows, with sound and even audience interaction -- this is a digital gallery where the sky is literally the limit.
* Price: Free Entry
The new Playstation 4 from Sony will have its first appearance in the Netherlands during this digital lifestyle event aptly called Firstlook 2013. Consumers will be able to see and experience the new upgrades first hand.
Gamification: How do you turn something boring into something fun?
Offers training on new media and technological developments. Visitors will be able to learn how to use social media strategically and discover what Gamification can offer.
Amsterdam Zine Jam a celebration of DIY and self-publishing
A celebration of self-publishing and DIY book-making. With local zine-makers & artists and zines from around the world. There will be zines to read, buy and most importantly make!
Communicating art, communicating science
The lines between art and science are steadily becoming less defined. Where do art and science intersect? When do artists don lab coats and scientists pick up a paint brush? Svenja Kratz, currently working as an artist in he biotech labs of Leiden University and Kat Austen, trained both in science and art explain from their own practice.
Beginning on October 7, e-Week feature a wide range of city-wide events, workshops, walk-ins, dinners, parties and get-togethers. Events include: e-Gaming, the Facebook Conference, Silicon Valey meets Amsterdam, e-Retail Europe, e-Day and e-Night.
The first edition of "The Facebook Conference" offers a combination of strategy, tips and case studies of the major brands in the Netherlands on Wednesday 9 October in the Warehouse Silent, Amsterdam.
The first edition of "The Facebook Conference" offers a combination of strategy, tips and case studies of the major brands in the Netherlands on Wednesday 9 October in the Warehouse Silent, Amsterdam.
Social Media Experience Zwolle
MEZ13 offers visitors 18 different inspiration sessions, including Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Content Strategy, Social Media Strategy, Webshops, Webcare and much more.
Masterclass Digital Branding & Social Media
Tackling social media successfully is currently a big challenge for brands. The huge increase in media channels, coupled with the aging of brand relationships and personal branding require a different approach.
Fronteers 2013 is a two-day conference for web developers which will be held in the historicTuschinski Theater in Amsterdam. This year there are 16 sessions with topics ranging from typography, advanced JavaScript and CSS as well as website performance
Over 150 visual artists, designers, musicians and creative producers in Amsterdam Southeast will open their doors and welcome you into their studios during the Open Art Route Zuidoost 2013. Come in and have a look. The studios are located in a wide range of locales including office buildings, Bijlmer flats and even an old school building.
Web Platform Doc Sprint Amsterdam
Join like-minded contributors and developers to help document the web platform and improve the user experience. Learn how to contribute and help grow the definitive reference site for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SVG & more. Choose from a variety of small, medium or larger To-Do's and let the experts guide you to do accomplish a variety of tasks including writing articles, samples, tutorials, overviews, and insights.
Ted is short for Technology, Entertainment and Design. TED inspires youngsters from 11- 18 to pitch ideas and think out of the box at the symposium.
Ethisch Hacken en Sociale Innovatie
This lecture in netpolitics focuses on hacking, online security and online privacy.
Ethisch Hacken en Sociale Innovatie
This lecture in netpolitics focuses on hacking, online security and online privacy.
Learn the basics of Processing in one day.
Learn the basics of Processing in one day.
During Dutch Design week, Dutch designers present themselves and their projects to a large international audience.
During Dutch Design week, Dutch designers present themselves and their projects to a large international audience.
This Happened Amsterdam is an evening about the creative process the journey between the idea and the final result, and everything in between. Interactive artists, game designers, architects, hackers, graphic and interaction designers and app developers will all have their say.
This Happened Amsterdam is an evening about the creative process the journey between the idea and the final result, and everything in between. Interactive artists, game designers, architects, hackers, graphic and interaction designers and app developers will all have their say.
Cinekid Film & New Media Awards
Date: 25 October 2013
Event type: Seminar with Stelarc and Henk Oosterling
Location: Cultuurpark Westergasfabriek, Amsterdam
Price: TBA
In his work Stelarc frequently uses the internet and biotechnology to explore alternate, intimate and involuntary interfaces with the body, moving on the edge of what most accept as the limits of human possibilities. At present, Stelarc is surgically constructing an extra ear on his arm that will be internet-enabled, making it a publicly accessible acoustic organ for people in other places.
In his work Stelarc frequently uses the internet and biotechnology to explore alternate, intimate and involuntary interfaces with the body, moving on the edge of what most accept as the limits of human possibilities. At present, Stelarc is surgically constructing an extra ear on his arm that will be internet-enabled, making it a publicly accessible acoustic organ for people in other places.
* Date: 25 October 2013Dates: 25 October 2013, 10:00; 15 November 2013, 10:00; 13 December 2013, 10:00
Event type: Course
Location: Mediamatic Fabriek, Amsterdam
Price: 350-500
A course on how to effectively use social media in business strategies.
Date: 28 October - 3 November 2013
Event type: Film week
Location: Various locations, Amsterdam
Price: Sales start on October 2nd
Amsterdam film week features a weeklong exhibition of international award-winning films all in one location.
A course on how to effectively use social media in business strategies.
NIMA Expert Class: social media B2B
Date: 29 October 2013, 09:30 - 17:30
Event type: Expert class
Price: Price 395 (NIMA members) 595 (non members)
Location: Ntb, Utrecht
A class on how to use social media for your business.
Amsterdam film week features a weeklong exhibition of international award-winning films all in one location.
NoSQL Search Roadshow Amsterdam
Date: 31 October 2013
Event Type: Conference
Location : Oseven, Amsterdam
Price: 150-250
NoSQL Search Roadshows is designed for everyone who is interested in faster and cheaper solutions to managing databases and data storage.
NIMA Expert Class: social media B2B
A class on how to use social media for your business.
* Date: 29 October 2013, 09:30 - 17:30Ethical hacking and social innovation
Date: 4 November 2013
Event type: Seminar
Location: Waag Society, Amsterdam
Price: 300
This meeting is the fourth series in the Net politics seminars organized by Bits of Freedom, Waag Society, Netwerk Democratie, Open State Foundation and Kennisland.
Society of the Query #2: Online Search feat. Thomas Petzold
Date: 7-8 November 2013
Event type: Symposium
Location: Openbare Biblioteek, Amsterdam
Price: Free Entry
A Symposium on Google Domination, Search across the border, and The art of Search.
NoSQL Search Roadshow Amsterdam
Training Social media in de zorg
Date: 11 November 2013, 09:30 - 17:00
Event type: Training
Location: Seats2Meet, Utrecht
Price: 550
After this training you will be able to assess the impact of social media on your organizations image and management.
NoSQL Search Roadshows is designed for everyone who is interested in faster and cheaper solutions to managing databases and data storage.
Intelligent Sensor Networks Conference
Date: 12 November 2013, 09:30 - 18:00
Event type: Conference
Location: High Tech Campus, Eindhoven
Price: 75 early bird
This conference addresses how can society benefit from the latest developments in sensor technology, intelligent network systems and their applications.
This meeting is the fourth series in the Net politics seminars organized by Bits of Freedom, Waag Society, Netwerk Democratie, Open State Foundation and Kennisland.
* Date: 4 November 2013Google Analytics User conference
Date: 12-13 November 2013
Event Type: Conference
Location: Meervaart Amsterdam
Price: TBA
A Google analytics User Conference, focus is on Convergence
Online Community Management Course
Date:14 November 2013, 10:00
Event type: Course
Location: Mediamatic Fabriek
Price: From 350 - 500
This course focuses on how to be a community (social media) manager within a company.
Society of the Query #2: Online Search feat. Thomas Petzold
A Symposium on Google Domination, Search across the border, and The art of Search.
Open Dag - College of Multimedia
Date: 17 November 2013, 12:00-17:00
Event Type: Q&A
Location: College of Multimedia, Amsterdam
Price: Free Entry
This Q&A is about the education the College of Multimedia can offer. Aspiring students will be able to pursue careers as designers, developers, and 3D developers.
Training Social media in de zorg
After this training you will be able to assess the impact of social media on your organizations image and management.
CloudStack Collaboration Conference Europe
Date: 20-22 November 2013
Event Type: Conference
Location: Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam
Price: 100-150
The European CloudStack conference is aimed at users, developers and everybody else interested in cloudstack. This will be the place to learn more about cloudstack or join the developers to discuss the past, present and future of cloudstack.
The International Documentary Festival Amsterdam
Date: November 20-December 1
Event type: Festival
Locations: Pathé Tuschinski, Pathé de Munt, De Brakke Grond, Melkweg, Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam, Eye Filmmuseum, Podium Mozaïek, DeLaMar Theater.
Price: 20 or 30.
The International Documentary Festival Amsterdam is the best chance to see some of the best national and international documentaries currently produced.
Intelligent Sensor Networks Conference
This conference addresses how can society benefit from the latest developments in sensor technology, intelligent network systems and their applications.
* Date: 12 November 2013, 09:30 - 18:00Date: 23 November, 12:00-22:00
Event type: Assembly
Location: Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam
Price: 20.
Cutting edge gadgets, state of the art design and inspiring innovators.
Date: 24 November 2013, 08:30 - 18:00
Event type: Conference
Locati on: Science Park, Amsterdam
Price: 50.
For the 3rd year, the largest Android-only conference in the Netherlands will take place with 2 full days of talks as well as an Android Hackathon for developers.
Google Analytics User conference
A Google analytics User Conference, focus is on Convergence,
Date: 26-27 November 2013
Event type: Assembly
Location: Historische Museum, Amsterdam
Price: TBA
The Social Innovation Assembly aims to foster brainstorming sessions that bring out the best out of all the intellectual brain powers attending the Assembly. Speakers will exchange their ideas in a in a setting similar to that of a talk show.
Date: 28 november 2013, 09:30 - 17:00
Event type: Training
Location: Seats2Meet, Utrecht
Price: 550
After this day, you will be aware of the key terms and you and you will be able to evaluate the pros and cons of social media.
This course focuses on how to be a community (social media) manager within a company.
* Date:14 November 2013, 10:00Date: 9 December 2013, 15:00 - 18:00
Event type: Seminar
Location: YoungWorks
Price: 75 (Excl. 21% BTW)
Its not hard for social media to imagine the lives of young people. It is not whether you need something from social media, but what you do with social media.
Date: 12 December 2013 09:30 - 16:30
Event type: Masterclass
Location: ANP, Rijswijk
Price: 665
You will learn how to include and use for your internal and external communication, so that you have enough tools to work. Social media working for your advantage, channels like Twitter, Facebook and blogs. The training consists of a complete program tailored to your own organization.
UvA "Sound Signatures" winter school
Date: January 13-17 2014
Event type: Seminary
Location: University of Amsterdam
Price: Free Entry
The historical emergence of phonography and wireless radio are often conceived as allowing for sounds to be detached from their source. However, such mediated sounds retain certain spatial characteristics of their performance (spatial signatures), whether determined by the room acoustics of concert halls, purpose-built studios or outdoor environments. In early radio broadcasting, for instance, poor sound transmission led to concerns about microphone and speaker quality, resonance and absorption levels, and forms of atmospheric interference. Listeners calls for a more faithful acoustic reproduction coincided with professional debates about whether to foreground the sounds considered most important to the recording, such as voice or musical sound, or to capture the full range of available sounds.
Date: February 5-8 2014
Event Type: Conference
Location: Westergasfabriek, Amsterdam
Price: 150-250
Interaction14 will explore the wide diversity of interaction design practices and seek inspiration from related disciplines. Four days of workshops, presentations and social events.
Date: February 2014
Event Type: Conference
Locati on: Emerce
Price: 495 for members,595 for non members
TSC13 provides a vision of the future by managers and experts that are at least one step ahead. TSC13 is about the impact of the social web on the core of the business model.
Date: March 12-16 2014
Event type: Festival
Location: Amsterdam
Price: Free Entry
Festival of short an d long dance films, documentaries, installations and Moving Media.
Sociale Media & de Gemeenteraadsverkiezingen 2014
Date: September 14th 2014, 9:30-14:00
Event type: Seminar
Location: Stein
Price: 195 Excl. BTW
The last four years, social media has grown explosively. They offer unique opportunities for you as a member of parliament to strengthen relationship with your constituents. You can easily build your own audience and foster growth within your community.
The Next Web Conference Europe 2014
Date: April 24-25 2014
Event Type: Conference
Location: Amsterdam TBA
Price: 650
Date: April 24-25 2014
Event Type: Hack Battle Conference for developers
Location: Amsterdam TBA
Price: TBA
Join us for the third edition of the Kings of Code Hack Battle at TNW Europe. Hack on cool API's and SDK's with 100 other hackers.
---+++ Open Dag - College of Multimedia
This Q&A is about the education the College of Multimedia can offer. Aspiring students will be able to pursue careers as designers, developers, and 3D developers.
Date: 17 November 2013, 12:00-17:00
Event Type: Q&A
Location: College of Multimedia, Amsterdam
Price: Free Entry
CloudStack Collaboration Conference Europe
The European CloudStack conference is aimed at users, developers and everybody else interested in cloudstack. This will be the place to learn more about cloudstack or join the developers to discuss the past, present and future of cloudstack.
The International Documentary Festival Amsterdam
The International Documentary Festival Amsterdam is the best chance to see some of the best national and international documentaries currently produced.
Cutting edge gadgets, state of the art design and inspiring innovators.
For the 3rd year, the largest Android-only conference in the Netherlands will take place with 2 full days of talks as well as an Android Hackathon for developers.
The Social Innovation Assembly aims to foster brainstorming sessions that bring out the best out of all the intellectual brain powers attending the Assembly. Speakers will exchange their ideas in a in a setting similar to that of a talk show.
After this day, you will be aware of the key terms and you and you will be able to evaluate the pros and cons of social media.
Its not hard for social media to imagine the lives of young people. It is not whether you need something from social media, but what you do with social media.
You will learn how to include and use for your internal and external communication, so that you have enough tools to work. Social media working for your advantage, channels like Twitter, Facebook and blogs. The training consists of a complete program tailored to your own organization.
UvA "Sound Signatures" winter school
The historical emergence of phonography and wireless radio are often conceived as allowing for sounds to be detached from their source. However, such mediated sounds retain certain spatial characteristics of their performance (spatial signatures), whether determined by the room acoustics of concert halls, purpose-built studios or outdoor environments. In early radio broadcasting, for instance, poor sound transmission led to concerns about microphone and speaker quality, resonance and absorption levels, and forms of atmospheric interference. Listeners calls for a more faithful acoustic reproduction coincided with professional debates about whether to foreground the sounds considered most important to the recording, such as voice or musical sound, or to capture the full range of available sounds.
Interaction14 will explore the wide diversity of interaction design practices and seek inspiration from related disciplines. Four days of workshops, presentations and social events.
TSC13 provides a vision of the future by managers and experts that are at least one step ahead. TSC13 is about the impact of the social web on the core of the business model.
Festival of short and long dance films, documentaries, installations and Moving Media.
Sociale Media & de Gemeenteraadsverkiezingen 2014
The last four years, social media has grown explosively. They offer unique opportunities for you as a member of parliament to strengthen relationship with your constituents. You can easily build your own audience and foster growth within your community.
The Next Web Conference Europe 2014
Join us for the third edition of the Kings of Code Hack Battle at TNW Europe. Hack on cool API's and SDK's with 100 other hackers.
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