Asia Research InstituteThe ARI provides focus and resources for interdiciplinary research on the Asian region by engaging the humanities and social sciences. The ARI is home to the Science Technology and Society Research Cluster, which studies the inter-relationships between those domains, especially in the context of Asia. Keep up to date with the ARIs news, events and publications here. |
The Association for Information Science and TechnologyASIS&T is an association for information professionals leading the search for new and better theories, techniques, and technologies to improve access to information. ASIS&T runs conferences and webinars by research and industry experts. Keep up to date with one of their topic-specific mailing lists. |
Association of Internet ResearchersThe Association of Internet Researchers is an international academic association dedicated to the advancement of the cross-disciplinary field of Internet studies. It promotes interdisciplinary Internet research independent from traditional disciplines. You can find out more about their annual conference, publications and research by signing up to their mailing list. |
Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media TechnologiesConvergence is a quarterly, peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes leading research addressing the creative, social, political and pedagogical issues raised by the advent of new media technologies. It provides an international, interdisciplinary forum for research exploring the reception, consumption and impact of new media technologies in domestic, public and educational contexts. You can sign up for email alerts to know about new issues of Convergence. |
Best BitsBest Bits is a civil society network that enables participants to share the "best bits" of their various initiatives on Internet governance and Internet rights, and to provide the opportunity for broaden engagement in those. This network shares the various initiatives of its participants on Internet governance, be it campaigns, new policy, or academic research. To subscribe to the list, click here. |
Danah Boyd - ApopheniaThe academic blog of Danah Boyd, a researcher affiliated with Microsoft Research, NYU, Harvard Law School, University of New South Wales and UC-Berkeley. Boyd uses her blog to express random thoughts about whatever [shes] thinking, but also includes a Best of Apophenia section with a list of posts and essays related to new media issues. You can keep up to date with her posts by subscribing to Apophenia. |
The European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST)EASST-EUROGRAD is a mailing list intended to facilitate a European network of scholars of all levels in the broad field of Science and Technology Studies. The list serves to announce scholarly events, calls, job openings and the like. |
Humanities/PolicyHumanities/Policy seeks to develop interdisciplinary approaches to integrating ethics and values with science in order to better meet societal needs. The work of Humanities/Policy centers on locating areas where science and technology policy can benefit from the insights of the Humanities. Sign up to the Humanities/Policy mailing list to be kept informed of news, publications, and events. |
iMindsiMinds is an independent research institute founded by the Flemish government to stimulate ICT innovation. The iMinds team offers companies and organizations active support in research and development. It brings together companies, authorities, and non-profit organizations to join forces on research projects. Both technical and non-technical issues are addressed within each of these projects. You can sign up for the iMinds mailing list here. |
Institute of Network CulturesThe Institute of Network Cultures (INC) analyses and shapes the terrain of network cultures from the inside. The INC actively contributes to the field through events, publications and online dialogue. The mission of the INC is to explore, document and feed the potential of new media for socio-technological change. You can subscribe to the INCs mailing list here. |
Impact of Social Sciences ProjectThe Impact of Social Sciences Project aims to show how academic research in the social sciences achieves public policy impacts, contributes to economic prosperity and informs public understanding of policy issues, and economic and social changes. The main purpose of the project is to develop precise methods for measuring and evaluating the impact of research in the public sphere. You can subscribe for email updates from The Projects blog, which is a hub for researchers, think-tanks, and anyone who is interested in maximising the impact of academic work to encourage debate and keep the impact community up to date with news and events. |
LiberationTechThe Program on Liberation Technology "Liberationtech" at Stanford University explores how information and communication technologies (ICTs) can be used to promote a variety of public goods. The list includes participants from various backgrounds, such as government, corporation, academia, and activism. For more information, please visit their home page. To subscribe to this list, click here. |
Learning/New MediaThe Learning with New Media Research Group conducts research on the relationships between education, technology and media, bringing together researchers from across these disciplines forming one of the leading academic centres in Australia and beyond. The Learning with New Media Research Group does not have a mailing list, but you can keep informed of their work and events through their RSS feed. |
MachinologyJussi Parikka is a media theorist, writer and Reader in Media & Design at Winchester School of Art(University of Southampton). Parikka has published very widely on digital culture, archives and visual culture, network society and media theory. You can subscribe to his blog to receive notifications regarding events, publications and new posts. |
Mapping Online PublicsMapping Online Publics is an online platform for interlinked research projects that critically examine the use and impact of selected social networking tools in Australian society and beyond. You can sign up to their mailing list to keep informed of their work, publications and blog. |
Microsoft Research: Social Media CollectiveThis is the group blog for the Social Media Collective at Microsoft Research New England, a team of social scientists and humanists who use qualitative methods like ethnography and content analysis to study online technologies like social network sites, blogs, mobile devices etc. You can sign up for their mailing list to learn more about their research. |
New Media Consortium (NMC)The NMC is an international group of experts in educational technology. They include the practitioners who work with technologies on campus every day across the globe and visionaries who are doing research to shape the future of learning. The role of the NMC is to drive innovation on the campuses of their member universities. The mailing list focuses on discussions regarding integration of technology into teaching and creative expression. To subscribe to this list, click here. |
New Media & SocietyNew Media & Society is a top-ranked, peer-reviewed, international journal that publishes key research from communication, media and cultural studies, as well as sociology, geography, anthropology, economics, the political and information sciences and the humanities. It is committed to high-quality research that explores the relationship between theory, policy and practice. You can sign up for email alerts to know about new issues of New Media & Society. |
STSGrad Google GroupThis listserv represents an international network of junior scholars interested in Science and Technology Studies. It circulates information about conferences, publication opportunities, and jobs, establishes links among scholars with similar interests, and offers a forum for discussion. |
The Fibreculture JournalThe Fibreculture Journal is a peer reviewed international journal, first published in 2003 to explore issues and ideas within the Fibreculture network.The Journal now serves wider social formations across the international community, working with those who think critically about, and working with, contemporary digital and networked media. |
New Media Studio |
The New Media StudioThe New Media Studio uses emerging multimedia technologies to explore all aspects of the human environment: our geophysical, biological, social, and cultural surroundings. Sign up to their mailing list to receive more information. |
Unlike UsUnlike Us (Geert Lovink ( Institute of Network Cultures/HvA, Amsterdam) and Korinna Patelis (Cyprus University of Technology, Limassol)) aims to form a research network of artists, designers, scholars, activists and programmers who work on alternatives in social media. By means of workshops, conferences, online dialogues and publications, Unlike Us both analyzes the economic and cultural aspects of dominant social media platforms and propagates the further development and proliferation of alternative, decentralized social media software. |