Archiving Digital Media | Resources and bibliography for the "Identifying and Archiving Culturally Important Conversations in the Social Web" project at ODU. |
Cinema, Media, and Urban Studies | A collection of bibliographic resources for researchers working at the intersection of urban studies and cinema and media studies. |
Civic Media | MIT Center for Future Civic Media |
Culture and New Media | Focuses on the conjunction of two central and rapidly changing aspects of our world- culture and media. |
e-Media | The e-Media Labs mission is the development of people through the creation of joyful experiences derived from intuitive and motivating interactions with intelligent systems. By playing in an immersive environment users acquire new knowledge, skills, and attitudes. |
Field: Media and Cultural Studies | Reading lists in media and cultural studies, including undergraduate independent studies, graduate seminar, and Ph.D. comprehensive exam. |
Future of Digital Media | These resources take a look at the path digital media is following and where it may take us. |
Global Communication and Digital Media | Project to create an authoritative reading list on global communication and digital media. |
History and Theories of New Media | Created by faculty members and students working on the New Media and Culture Certificate Program's common seminar, "Histories and Theories of New Media," at the University of Oregon. |
Initiative for Digital Humanities, Media, and Culture | Research on the global impact of computing, etc. on culture using collaboration among various disciplines and colleges and across Universities who are participating in creating a cyberinfrastructure for the Humanities. |
Japan Mass-Media | Mainstream 'masu-komi' media in Japan, particular the established mass-media; newspapers, television, radio, magazine publishing, advertising etc. |
LGBTQ Media Representation | This research compiles bibliographies on LGBTQ topics as they are represented in the media. |
Literature, Media, and the Archive | Resources discussing literature, media, and issues of archiving. |
Media Anthropology | This is a bibliography for the fields of Media Anthropology or the Anthropology of Media. |
Media Studies | A brief collection of resources on literature and media studies. |
Media Theory | From the Frankfurt school to communication studies and media effects, from cybernetics to technics and discourse analysis, this group brings together a canon of texts that could be foundational for an academic discipline called "media theory." |
Modern Media | Designed for students to research and share on the subject of 21st Century media. |
Moving Media | Comprehensive study of mobile Internet, how the infrastructures are evolving, how people use these convergent technologies, and how traditional and new modes of media policy respond. |
New media and Society Secondlife | Exploring second life as a learning environment. |
New Media Rhetoric | Dedicated to the study of New Media and how it impacts us as teachers of Rhetoric and Composition. |
SNA and Media Study | Explores the role of security on the Internet. |
Social Movement Media Ecology | Looks at social movement theory and the media ecology. |
Theories of Digital Media | General topics of theory in digital media. |
Wikileaks/Media Bibliography | A bibliography of media coverage of Wikileaks between 2007-2012, sorted thematically by tags. |
Archiving Social Media | Literature dealing with topics of social media storage and archiving. |
Knowledge Management and Social Media | Explores how how we conceptualize and practice knowledge management as social media evolves. |
Privacy Social Media | Helpful online resources for a privacy themed social media workshop. |
Social Media and Community | Resources on how local community, progressive values, and social media all interrelate. |
Social Media and Violence | Explores issues such as the effect of violence on social media, and social medias role regarding violence. |
Social Media Books | Books about social media. |
Social Media Credibility | Explores issues of credibility on the Internet, especially social media sites. |
Social Media for Research | Resources on social media in research. |
Social Media Passive Data Collections | Explores content creation and sharing in digital age. |
Social Media Tools | Pointers to social media tools; indices of social media tools, and other useful resources for using social media in research and education. |
Social Media-Disasters | Material related to the use of 'social media' in and after natural disasters. |
Social Media, Insecure Work, and New Solidarities | Explores the ways in which social media intersects with the labor movement. Includes articles, books, films and other materials that create a canon of knowledge around labor movements and the uses of social media within those movements. |
Social Media, Movements, Politics, Protest | Includes references related to the study of how social media are employed in, around, and about social movements, politics, and protest. |
Sport Racism Social Media | Analyzes examples of racism across social media platforms such as twitter and Facebook, exploring the reasons for this and examining the responses of the authorities. |
Zero Breast Cancer: Social Media Literature Review Literature review on social media in youth retention | Literature review on social media in youth retention, data collection, and dissemination. |
A New Multidisciplinary Approach to Data Understanding | Group library for the Radcliffe Exploratory seminar "A New Multidisciplinary Approach to Data Understanding: Integrating Human and Computational Approaches." |
African New Media News Practices | Studies and statistics about how Africans are consuming news using new media and/or how African media organizations old and new and citizen journalists are producing and distributing news via new media. |
AI in Video Games | Literature on AI gaming. |
Artificial Intelligence | Composed bibliography of AI topics. |
Changing Mobilities | Studies of changing mobilities, design for new mobility practices, methodological consideration. |
Cognitive Computation | Provides a new pioneering interdisciplinary platform for the dissemination of cutting-edge research, current practices and future trends in this emerging discipline that links together neurobiology, cognitive psychology and artificial intelligence. |
Community Television | Collects references related to community media, especially community media in Africa, as well as general newsroom ethnographies related to conceptions of news and journalistic identity. |
Computational Rhetoric | Focuses on the computational analysis of the rhetoric of all media (text, images, audio, video). |
Digital Preservation of Research Data | Deals with all kind of problems related to the digital preservation of research data, including: standards metadata formats data description data documentation reuse of research data making collaborative work possible. |
Digital_Trends | Literature on past and current trends in media. |
Dreaming Robots | Robots, AI, Cyborgs in cultural imagination, including sci-fi lit and film, representations in the popular media and politics. |
Feathers | References to therapy, robotics, gaming, social media, neuroscience and motivation. |
Fidelity Book | Research, discovery, and intelligence around collective actions, collaboration, sharing, social media, communities, small world patterns and semantic web. |
Free/Libre/Open Source Software research Information Systems | Explores the phenomena within Free/Libre/Open Source Software communities but also related issues such as peer production, the notion of commons and other related aspects that have arisen from the spread of the FLOSS movement. |
Games, Virtual Worlds, and CyberSociality | Library for literature pertaining to games, virtual worlds, and cybersociality. This collection will also include literature from related areas like design theory, science and technology studies, digital media, cscw, community management, and more. |
Hashdata | The Digital Ecology Project aims to explain the emergence of Twitter's Trending Topics (TT) by investigating the dynamics of tweets and associated hashtags replication using network analysis tools in order to evaluate the role of social networks topologies in TT emergence. |
Ini 2.0 | Dedicated to topics such as: social media, social theory, information society, social movements. |
Internet Linguistics | Internet linguistics is a sub-domain of linguistics advocated by David Crystal. It studies new language styles and forms that have arisen under the influence of the Internet and other New Media, such as Short Message Service (SMS) text messaging. |
Knowledge Management | An extensive collection of knowledge management literature. |
Media Archaeology Resources | This collection is for a crowdsourced creation of papers and other useful resources for media archaeology and cognate investigations in media theory and history. |
Mobile and Global Media | Collected literature on global media and mobilities research. |
Mobile Media and Social Inclusion/Exclusion: studies and reports | A literature review of Australian and international studies and evaluations focusing on digital technology and lower income and disadvantaged groups (but especially mobile digital technology). |
Mobile User Experience | Creating a collaborative sharing space for research in Mobile User Experience. |
New Interfaces for Musical Expression | References on the proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. |
New Media and Conflict Transformation | Collected resources in the juncture of the discourses of new media and conflict transformation. |
New Media and Perception | Deals with topics of new media, perception, art, and design. |
New Video Games Design | New interfaces for video games based on movement. |
Nursing ehealth, informatics, social media resources | A resource listing to complement the Nursing and eHealth workshops. |
People as Sensors (PaS) | Aims to discuss a new way of implementing Smart Sensors - people as sensors, where people are "device enabled" to act as source of useful data in the conceiving of a Smart Environments. |
Personal Learning Environments | Explores the use of social media as a platform for building personal learning environments and networks. |
Political Data Science | Social media and online news monitoring opinion, mining social network analysis, data mining machine learning. |
Social Capital | Social Capital research with an emphasis on inter-organizational business networks. |
Social Media and Data Mining | Compiled resources on using social media for data mining. |
Social/Emotional AI | Links to interesting papers on social and/or emotional AI for videogames. |
Tangible Media Group | How to design seamless interfaces between humans, digital information, and the physical environment. |
Third Party Traffic Data | A repository for references related to traffic data produced by third-party sources, in particular crowd-sourced GPS data. The major themes will include: existing highway-based ITS technologies and data output; validation and verification of new non-infrastructure based data sources; legislation and funding requirements for traffic monitoring and others. |
Twitter & the Democratization of Media | Citations looking at Twitter and its relationship to media. |
Ethics and Social Media | Materials for an annotated bibliography of literature on the ethics of social media and on the use of social media in discourse about ethics. |
Language Learning and Social Media | A selection of readings on the topic of web 2.0 technologies for (language) learning. |
Network Theory and Media Effects | A reading list on social network analysis and its applications to traditional and online media. |
Public Officials Social Media Use | Collection devoted to research about public officials' (e.g., Congress, city council members, appointees) use of social media. Many papers will be about political communication or its analysis more generally. |
Public Social Network Collection | Working public access for social network references. |
Risk Communication in Social Media | Deals with the issues, problems, and concerns with social media information sharing. |
Social Interactions | Identification of social interactions models. |
Social Media and Fostering Sustainable Behavioural Change in Communities of Practice | Collecting literature regarding creating sustainable social communities. |
Social Media and Marketing | A place to share references dealing with marketing in social media. |
Social Media and Public Comments | Resources discussing the role opinions and comments play in social media outlets. |
Social Media and the Arab Spring | Research pertaining to the role of social media (facebook, twitter, youtube, etc.) to the Arab Social Revolutions of 2011 |
Social Media for INFOSYS 338 | A list of articles collected which may be useful for social media research. |
Social Media for Socio-Economic Development | The aim of this group is to bring together those who are interested in literature around social media, social networks, web for dev 2.0 or 2.x in the context of ICT for Development |
Social Media in Health Care | Social media references regarding health care. |
Social Media in the Enterprise | Explores the role of social media in the workplace. |
Social Media Research II | Using social media sites as a method of research. |
Social Media und Web 2.0 Tools | References regarding the theme of social media and Web 2.0 tools. |
Social Network Sites and Privacy | Focuses on addressing and experiencing privacy concerns on social network sites and protecting online privacy. |
Social Network Theory: An Anthropological View | A bibliography of social network analysis literature with an emphasis on it's anthropological past, present and future(s). |
Social Networks Web 2.0 NWOW | Covering issues related with online social networks. Early orientation of the paper selection was for an article on student's perception of popularity online and offline. |
Social networks in the study of language variation and change | A compilation of past and recent work in variationist sociolinguistics in which social networks have been used as a tool to analyze the data. |