Backlinks to ToolLippmannianDevice in Dmi Web (Search all webs)

Results from Dmi web retrieved at 23:13 (GMT)

DMI Tools firefox extension The DMI toolbar is a Firefox extension that provides extra functionality to the DMI tools. Currently it provides off loading of HTTP r...
REIMAGINING DE VOEUX ROAD CENTRAL Expanding the Stakeholders and their Issues Jidi Guo , Md Mosabbir Pasha , Natalia Sanchez Querubin , Qian Yao , Shen Yang ...
r3 - 29 Sep 2016 - 03:44 by YulistinaRiyadi
Taming the bottom half of the internet: How news outlets manage, discipline, elevate and shape comment sections after the ‘constructive turn’ Team Members Proj...
Things Internet Researchers Should know About Search Engines This page lists useful tips for doing research with search engines, particularly in combination with ...
Google Scraper FAQ What does the Google Scraper actually do? The Google Scraper is a piece of software which allows one to batch query Google. It allows a user t...
The Google Scraper has been deprecated and replaced by two new tools: * The Search Engine Scraper, if you want to scrape and analyze overall search results for...
The Lippmannian Device queries a search engine of your choice and makes the results available for further analysis. In the top text box, place the source set, in ...
The Lippmannian Device can be used for a number of specific research projects, including censorship research, and source distance research. The most common use of...
Specifically, this tool generates a GEXF file with nodes and weighted edges. The nodes are both the queries as well as the URLs inputted in the Lippmannian Device...
The Search Engine Scraper allows you to scrape the search results for a given search query, and has as output a list of results the search engine returned for the...
Statistics for Dmi Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: ...
Number of topics: 11
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