The Google Scraper has been deprecated and replaced by two new tools:
The Search Engine Scraper, if you want to scrape and analyze overall search results for a given query or set of queries.
The Lippmannian Device, if you want to analyze query results on a per-site basis.
The Googlescraper (also known as the Lippmannian Device) queries Google and makes the results available for further analysis. In the top text box, place the source set, in this case a list of URLs. In the bottom text box, place key words. Google will be asked if each keyword occurs in each URL. Results are displayed as a tag cloud and an html table. They also are written to a text file which you can access at the bottom or through previous results.
Harvester feature: In the top box, you may also place a combination of URLs and text, and the URLs will be fetched out of the text and queried for the key words placed in the bottom box. Detailed instructions of use and use cases are available.
To merge divided scrapes from the same project together, use the Lippmannian Merge tool.