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Results from Dmi web retrieved at 17:07 (GMT)

* List of Dutch NGOs, participating in the Nederlands Sociaal Forum These URLs are used as starting points for rendering an issue networks of the Dutch NGO Spher...
The Dutch blogosphere Research on the Dutch blogosphere: * Blogocratie: Hoe weblogs burgers weer bij de politiek betrekken. Afstudeerscriptie van Jeroen Steem...
Dutch Politicians Blogosphere Lijst Blogs van Politici 1. linkripper en harvester gebruikt om lijst te maken van de blogs van politici vermeld op http://weblog...
Forums #8220;Burgers #8221; op het forum AMSTERDAM De forums van en staan beide in de top 20 van de grootste forums ter wereld , zo schrijf...
Controversy Mapping Citizen Equipment for Second degree Objectivity In the famous Doonesbury cartoon about scientific controversies, the white coated, "situatio...
Meeting Summaries July 2 Source Distance Exercise At the first official meeting Richard points out what the Issue Crawler does: linking analysis between URL's,...
Projects By Theme (Please note that this page has not been updated since 2010). The following are current and finished projects, organized by theme. Some are samp...
DMI Projects The following is a list of projects carried out in the context of the Digital Methods Initiative. For a more general introduction, see the FAQ and th...
r28 - 03 Oct 2008 - 16:01 by KoenMartens
Social Networking sites * Hyves * Friendster * Linked In * Orkut * Myspace * Facebook Zoeken naar: * Vrienden van politici * Politieke hy...
Digital Methods Summer School 2007: New Objects of Study 2010 2009 2008 2007 How does one do research online? What are the new objects of study, and how do ...
Find issuetags in the Tagosphere Issue: An issue is a claim that has been formatted in such a way (as a policy document, demonstration, boycott etc) that it circu...
DMI Tools Digital Methods Project Overview FAQ Tag Cloud Introduction The Digital Methods Initiative is a contribution to doing research into the "nati...
The Google Scraper has been deprecated and replaced by two new tools: * The Search Engine Scraper, if you want to scrape and analyze overall search results for...
For the philosophy behind the project as well as a use case, see the Issuefeed page.
The Lippmannian Device queries a search engine of your choice and makes the results available for further analysis. In the top text box, place the source set, in ...
Statistics for Dmi Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: ...
Websites politieke partijen en organisaties (Deze lijst wordt bij nader inzien niet gebruikt voor webantenne) * Linkripper Harvester: http://politiek.start...
Youtube EveryZing (.com) 22 7 7 Deze zoekmachine onderwerpt audio en video aan analyse doormiddel van transcripties. Er wordt niet alleen gezocht in de tags/head...
Number of topics: 18
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