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Results from Dmi web retrieved at 09:55 (GMT)

According to Google Images: Visual epistemologies of climate change and biodiversity loss Team Members: Warren Pearce, Elena Pilipets (facilitators), Maud Borie,...
r3 - 01 Aug 2022 - 13:01 by WarrenPearce
Digital Methods: Tools and Utilities The various scrapers, crawlers, etc. listed below may be useful for different digital methods. For convenience, the list is l...
Interface for the (Public) Graph Team Members Nadia Dresscher Lambertus, Catalina Iorga, Richard Rogers Introduction The project's aim is to discover and docum...
r7 - 27 Jan 2012 - 13:36 by CatalinaIorga
Nofollow / Indexing Issues in the Blogosphere Introduction: Indexing and Ranking Search engine critiques generally focus on either the allocation of pages to be ...
r45 - 12 Dec 2008 - 11:22 by EstherWeltevrede
Main.WarrenPearce 22 Aug 2016 How is the topical space of COP21 shaped on Twitter and YouTube?: From issue climatisation to issue drift Group leaders: Nicolas B...
r2 - 30 Aug 2016 - 16:44 by WarrenPearce
1. Input two or more list of URLs or other named entities (one per line). 2. Select detailed analysis for showing which items appear on which lists. The default, ...
Triangulation is a useful tool for simple analysis such as cleaning up duplicate items in a list. The tool can also be used as part of a larger project such as cr...
NEW - 12 Dec 2008 - 12:05 by EstherWeltevrede
Number of topics: 7
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