You are here: Foswiki>Dmi Web>ToolDatabase>ToolTrackerTracker>ToolTrackerTrackerHowTo (05 Jan 2018, FernandoVanDerVlist)Edit Attach
DMI App Tracker Tracker is built on top of Ghostery, a privacy browser extension for the web:

  1. First, create a seed list of one or multiple URLs pointing to specific web domains or to individual web pages on these domains (or a combination of both). Example URLs: domain:; individual page:
  2. Second, input the seed list of URLs (one per line) and run the tool to detect predefined fingerprints of tracking technologies in the page’s source code. Don’t forget to name your result properly (e.g., including your name, a date, and a keyword) for retrieval at a later time. A process log is shown while the tool is running.
  3. Third, the tool analyses the source code of each page included to detect predefined fingerprints of known web tracking technologies using an extensive library of more than 2,000 unique fingerprints. Please note: this tool does not click on any buttons, accepts no cookies, and cannot move beyond logins, cookies, or paywalls. It simulates a real browser instead using a scripting language called PhantomJS, which might cause certain content to not load properly (but in most cases, outputs should be similar).
  4. Finally, after successful completion results can be downloaded via the ‘Output’ tab. It outputs the following standard file formats: tabular (.HTML, .CSV) and networks (.GEXF). Eight native tracking technology categories defined by Ghostery are included in these outputs ( Please note: This tool stores previous jobs under the ‘Past Jobs’ tab, with the job name provided by the researcher.
Topic revision: r13 - 05 Jan 2018, FernandoVanDerVlist
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