
Enter URLs and the Issue Crawler performs co-link analysis in one, two or three iterations, and outputs a cluster graph. The Issue Crawler also has modules for snowball crawling (up to 3 degrees of separation) as well as inter-actor crawling (finding links between seeds only).

%IFDEFINEDTHEN{"1" glue="off"}%


Issue Crawler Instructions of Use,


%IFDEFINEDTHEN{"1" glue="off"}%

Sample project



Course units using this tool

The Link
The Link Issues with the object of study There are at least three dominant approaches to studying hyperlinks, hypertext theory (Landow, 1994), small world and pa...

Other projects using this tool

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This topic: Dmi > ToolDatabase > ToolIssueCrawler
Topic revision: 16 May 2009, RichardRogers
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