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DMI Tools pertaining to Web Sphere

4CAT: Capture and Analysis Toolkit
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Create datasets from a variety of web platforms - including Reddit, Telegram, 4chan and others - and analyze them.
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Interactively capture and inspect third-party trackers encountered while browsing.
Censorship Explorer
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Check whether a URL is censored in a particular country by using proxies located around the world.
Extract URLs
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Extracts URLs from an Issuecrawler result file (.xml). Useful for retrieving starting points as well as a clean list of the actors in the network.
Google Autocomplete
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Retrieves autocomplete suggestions from Google
Googlescraper (Search Engine Scraper)
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Batch queries Google. Query the resonance of a particular term, or a series of terms, in a set of Websites.
Internet Archive Wayback Machine Link Ripper
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Scrapes links from the Wayback Machine
Internet Archive Wayback Machine Network Per Year
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Enter a set of URLs and the archived versions closest to 1 July for a specific year are retrieved. Thereafter links are extracted and a network file is output.
Issue Dramaturg
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Enter up to 3 URLs as well as a key word. The Issuedramaturg queries Google for the key word, and shows the Pageranks of the URLs over time. The output is a graph of the Pagerank of the URLs...
Launch toolInstructions & Scenarios of Use
Enter URLs and the Issue Crawler performs co-link analysis in one, two or three iterations, and outputs a cluster graph. The Issue Crawler also has modules for snowball crawling (up to 3 deg...
Lippmannian Device
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The Lippmannian device is named Walter Lippmann, and provides a coarse means of showing actor partisanship.
Lippmannian Device To Gephi
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This tool allows one to visualize the output of the Lippmannian device as a network with Gephi.
Ranked Deep Pages from Core Issue Crawler Network
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Enter an Issuecrawler XML file and this script will get out all pages from the core network and rank those by pages by inlink count.
Screenshot generator
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Produce screenshots for a list of URLs
Search Engine Scraper
Source Code Search
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loads a URL and searches for patterns in the page's source code
Tracker Tracker
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DMI App Tracker Tracker is a tool to detect in a set of URLs predefined fingerprints of known web tracking technologies.
Wikipedia Entry Check
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This tool checks if the issues exist as a Wikipedia page, i.e., an article. If it exists it checks whether the organization is mentioned on that page.
Wikipedia TOC Scraper
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Scrape Table of Contents for revisions of a wikipedia page and explore the results by moving a slider to browse across chronologically ordered TOCs.
Wikipedia categories scraper
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Scrape Wikipedia for the categories of articles and the categories of related articles in different languages.
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Zeeschuimer is a browser extension that monitors internet traffic while you are browsing a social media site, and collects data about the items you see in a platform's web interface for late...
Topic revision: r15 - 15 Jul 2020, AnneHelmond
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