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DMI Tools pertaining to Twitter

Expand Tiny Urls
Launch toolInstructions & Scenarios of Use
Expands URLs that have been shortened by tools like or Often used in social media such as Twitter or Facebook.
Tracker Tracker
Launch toolInstructions & Scenarios of Use
DMI App Tracker Tracker is a tool to detect in a set of URLs predefined fingerprints of known web tracking technologies.
Twitter Capture and Analysis Toolset (DMI-TCAT)
Launch toolInstructions & Scenarios of Use
Captures tweets and allows for multiple analyses (hashtags, mentions, users, search, ...)
Launch toolInstructions & Scenarios of Use
Zeeschuimer is a browser extension that monitors internet traffic while you are browsing a social media site, and collects data about the items you see in a platform's web interface for late...
Topic revision: r15 - 15 Jul 2020, AnneHelmond
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