Children of SummerSchool2010 in Dmi Web

Results from Dmi web retrieved at 21:45 (GMT)

Issuecrawler 1.0 and Social Media DataDrivenUserJournalism RepresentationsOfGovernmentalWebsitesOnSocialMedia StartingPoints2 WebCurrencies Pace Online One day on...
Call for Participants: Closed (Deadline: 3 May 2010) "Foundations for Online Research with Digital Methods" The Digital Methods Initiative, a collaboration of th...
FAQ: Advanced Program Is there connectivity? Is it abundant and strong? There are two networks (SSINs) you can use: Digital Methods and UvAGuests. Both require pa...
FAQ: Training Certificate Program Is there connectivity? Is it abundant and strong? There are two networks (SSINs) you can use: Digital Methods and UvAGuests. Bot...
Literature: Advanced Program Issuecrawler 1.0 and Social Media David Beer (2009). "Power through the algorithm? Participatory web cultures and the technological u...
Literature: Training Certificate Program Latourian Sociology and Digital Methods B. Latour (2005). Reassembling the Social: An Introduction to Actor Network Theor...
Schedule: Advanced Program Monday, 9 August 2010 9:30 Welcome9:45 Opening talk: How Web 1.0 is the Issuecrawler? (R. Rogers)11:00 Coffee break11:30 Introductions ...
Schedule: Training Certificate Program Monday, 28 June 2010 9:30 Welcome9:45 Opening talk: Digital methods pre foundations (R. Rogers)11:00 Coffee break11:30 Intr...
TrainingProgramProjectFacebook TrainingProgramProjectG20 TrainingProgramProjectNgo TrainingProgramProjectFood TrainingProgramProjectSyntheticBiology TrainingProgr...
Number of topics: 9
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