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Olympic Vision through the Eyes of Google

Team Members

farida, daniel, nate, johan

Research Questions

What are the official key terms that are associated with the "olympic vision"? How regularly to these terms appear in the top 50 news articles as designated by google news? Are there other terms that feature more regularly than these "vision" terms?


We began by locating a small set of official key terms that are associated with the olympics. We sourced these terms from the, and the page "olympism" page specifically. This page explicitly associated "friendship, respect, and excellence" with the olympic vision. Due to a lack of time and skill, we decided to more or less make up the other terms that we thought were likely to feature in a google news search. We chose security, competition, legacy, tourism, economy, and sport.

With these nine terms, our team proceeded to harvest the top 50 news URLs from a google news search. We had to do this manually as the harvester pickup up a bunch of URLs that didn't relate to the search. In the end we only had 49 URLs. With our list of URLs and key terms, we then used the google scraper. After a few crashes and buggy processes due to our lack of expertise, we manager to render some results. We ended up breaking the scraping process into three separate scrapes.

Preliminary Findings


Topic revision: r3 - 29 Jun 2012, NateTkacz
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