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Related tags (Click to refine the search): archive, geo-location, google scraper, israel, palestine, tag cloud generator, webantenne

ComparisonBetweenAnonymousPalestinianAndIsraeliWikipediaEdits in Dmi web 07 Nov 2007 - 09:58 - r11 ErikBorra

Comparison between Anonymous Palestinian and Israeli Wikipedia Edits this is work in progress Introduction In preceding research the anonymous edits to the Engli...
Tags: israel, palestine, wikiscanner

DutchUniversities in Dmi web 07 Oct 2007 - 15:29 - r17 michael

Comparing Anonymous Wikipedia Production by Dutch Universities Introduction Every year, the Dutch weekly Elsevier conducts a large survey among students and prof...
Tags: geo-location, webantenne, wikiscanner

WikiScanner in Dmi web 12 Sep 2008 - 09:02 - r8 MichaelStevenson

Repurposing the Wikiscanner Introduction The Wikiscanner 'de anonymizes' edits on Wikipedia, linking IP addresses to the organizations and institutions where ...
Tags: geo-location, webantenne, wikiscanner

AnonymousIsraeliWikipediaEdits in Dmi web 10 Oct 2007 - 20:02 - r7 ErikBorra

Anonymous Israeli Wikipedia Edits this is work in progress Introduction How active and in what way are Israeli present on Wikipedia? Given the Israeli IP range...
Tags: archive, israel, tag cloud generator, wikiscanner

AnonymousPalestinianWikipediaEdits in Dmi web 10 Oct 2007 - 20:02 - r9 ErikBorra

Anonymous Palestinian Wikipedia Edits this is work in progress Introduction How active and in what way are Palestinians present on Wikipedia? Given the Palesti...
Tags: archive, google scraper, palestine, tag cloud generator, wikiscanner

Number of topics: 5

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Topic revision: r2 - 23 Jan 2017, EmileDenTex
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