The foundation bought two identical
Melrow QX104I servers. One for the issuecrawler and one for the issuescraper - a new tool for web analysis which will be publicly available later.
The specifications of the servers:
- 2 * Intel Xeon 3.06 Ghz - double processor, double processingpower.
- 2048 Mb RAM
- 2 * 120 GB HD RAID - Both harddisks have identical content. If one crashes the other can be put up immediately for minimal down time.
- A 100 MBit full duplex internet connection - hosted at xs4all on the most important telecommunication crossingpoint of the Netherlands. The connection is shared with max 15 other servers. At the moment of installation there were only 5 in use.
The software to keep everything running:
- FreeBSD 4.10
- Apache
- PostgreSQL
- Java
- Perl
In a later stage the crawling, database and analysis will happen on one server and the serving of web content on the other. For now map generation can be a little slow if colink analysis is done in the same time. It will still be much faster than on the old server though.