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Results from Dmi web retrieved at 17:16 (GMT)

Controversy Mapping Team Members Jeroen, Paul, Alessandro, Maria, Sabine Research Question Main question: Is the debate about vaccination (and its postulated neg...
r12 - 04 Jul 2011 - 20:47 by AlessandroCaliandro
Cross Platform Analysis This is a template, you can deviate from this. If you start new topics, please use DmiSummer2011 as a prefix to the topic title. Team Mem...
Main.AlexandraHache 06 Jul 2011 FB (h)as a Problem Team Members Alex, Sanjay, Lonneke Slides presentation July 2011 Introduction Research questions Methodolo...
r16 - 06 Jan 2012 - 14:13 by LonnekeVanDerVelden
Facebook and Publicness (Pilot Study) Team Members Catalina Iorga, Maria Aguado, Elisheva Weiss Introduction Methodology / Preliminary Findings To find Faceboo...
r6 - 18 Oct 2011 - 15:37 by CatalinaIorga
Cross spherical content comparison Team Members Anne, Nadia, Theresa, Carolin, Elisheva, Sanjay Research Question 1a. How is an issue being discussed across the...
r10 - 01 Jul 2011 - 14:43 by CarolinGerlitz
Georeferenced data as native digital object? Team Members Jean Christophe, Diana, Anat, Cameran Research Question Meta research question: * Can we study onli...
r20 - 01 Jul 2011 - 15:39 by CameranAshraf
Google Results This is a template, you can deviate from this. If you start new topics, please use DmiSummer2011 as a prefix to the topic title. Team Members Osca...
Iran Online Team Members Richard, Sabine, Orsi, Cameran, Bronwen, Leva, Esther, Demet, Niaz, Jean Christophe, Erik Introduction Research questions Has repress...
Language spheres Team Members Natalia Sanchez, Diana Mesa Introduction * Main objectives The broad objective of this project was mapping similarities and dif...
r2 - 10 Jul 2011 - 08:34 by DianaMesa
One 96% Happy Island Introduction The image and slogan of Aruba is "One Happy Island". Our research aim was to test how happy the island really is. Research Qu...
r18 - 08 Jul 2011 - 14:56 by MichaelStevenson
Regional and language spheres Team Members Natalia, Diana Introduction * Main objectives The broad objective of this project was mapping similarities and dif...
NEW - 08 Jul 2011 - 14:15 by DianaMesa
Spanish Revolution Team Members * Alex, Diana S, Demet, Orsi Research Question Spanish revolution: comparing the mediascape of commercial social media (twitt...
r13 - 01 Jul 2011 - 14:42 by AlexandraHache
The Social Life of a Crawler Team Members Anat Bot David, Anne HelBot, Jeroen Jonkbot, MarcBot Tuters, Botscar Coromina, Samuel Zwanbot, Simeona Botkova Anat Ben...
Wikileaks / 14.200 cables Team Members Lonneke, Bernhard, Esther, Catalina (Cameran) (Michael) Introduction Claims To do: Look up and list some of the core cla...
r8 - 01 Jul 2011 - 14:11 by LonnekeVanDerVelden
YouTube in Time Team Members Christian, Samuel, Simeona, Bronwen Research Question Is YouTube becoming less user generated? Sub Question: What was watched on th...
r11 - 01 Jul 2011 - 14:39 by BronwenRobertson
Digital Methods Summer School 2011 Media Studies, University of Amsterdam, 27 June 8 July 2011 After Cyberspace: Data rich Media The Digital Methods Summer Scho...
Statistics for Dmi Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: ...
Number of topics: 17
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